require 'system/administrateurs/procedure_spec_helper' describe 'As an administrateur, I want to manage the procedure’s attestation', js: true do include ProcedureSpecHelper let(:administrateur) { create(:administrateur) } let(:procedure) do create(:procedure, :with_service, :with_instructeur, :with_zone, aasm_state: :brouillon, administrateurs: [administrateur], libelle: 'libellé de la procédure', path: 'libelle-de-la-procedure') end before { login_as(administrateur.user, scope: :user) } def find_attestation_card(with_nested_selector: nil) full_selector = [ "a[href=\"#{edit_admin_procedure_attestation_template_path(procedure)}\"]", with_nested_selector ].compact.join(" ") page.find(full_selector) end context 'Enable, publish, Disable' do scenario do visit admin_procedure_path(procedure) # start with no attestation expect(page).to have_content('Désactivée') find_attestation_card(with_nested_selector: ".fr-badge") expect(page).not_to have_content("Nouvel éditeur d’attestation") # now process to enable attestation fill_in "Titre de l’attestation", with: 'BOOM' fill_in "Contenu de l’attestation", with: 'BOOM' find('.toggle-switch-control').click click_on 'Enregistrer' page.find(".alert-success", text: "Le modèle de l’attestation a bien été enregistré") # check attestation visit admin_procedure_path(procedure) expect(page).to have_content('Activée') find_attestation_card(with_nested_selector: ".fr-badge--success") # publish procedure # click CTA for publication screen click_on("Publier") # validate publication within('form') { click_on 'Publier' } click_on("Revenir à la page de la démarche") # now process to disable attestation find('.toggle-switch-control').click click_on 'Enregistrer' page.find(".alert-success", text: "Le modèle de l’attestation a bien été modifié") # check attestation is now disabled visit admin_procedure_path(procedure) expect(page).to have_content('Désactivée') find_attestation_card(with_nested_selector: ".fr-badge") end end context 'Update attestation v2' do before { Flipper.enable(:attestation_v2) } scenario do visit admin_procedure_path(procedure) find_attestation_card(with_nested_selector: ".fr-badge") within(".fr-alert", text: /Nouvel éditeur/) do find("a").click end expect(procedure.reload.attestation_template_v2).to be_nil expect(page).to have_css("label", text: "Logo additionnel") fill_in "Intitulé du logo Marianne", with: "System Test" fill_in "Intitulé de la direction", with: "The boss" attestation = nil wait_until { attestation = procedure.reload.attestation_template_v2 attestation.present? } expect(attestation.label_logo).to eq("System Test") expect(attestation.activated?).to be_falsey click_on "date de décision" # TODO find a way to fill in tiptap attach_file('Tampon ou signature', Rails.root + 'spec/fixtures/files/white.png') wait_until { attestation.reload.signature.attached? } fill_in "Contenu du pied de page", with: "Footer" wait_until { body = JSON.parse(attestation.reload.tiptap_body) body.dig("content").first&.dig("content")&.first&.dig("content")&.first&.dig("content") == [{ "type" => "mention", "attrs" => { "id" => "dossier_processed_at", "label" => "date de décision" } }] } find("label", text: /à la charte de l’état/).click expect(page).not_to have_css("label", text: "Logo additionnel", visible: true) expect(page).not_to have_css("label", text: "Intitulé du logo", visible: true) attach_file('Logo', Rails.root + 'spec/fixtures/files/black.png') wait_until { attestation.reload.logo.attached? && attestation.signature.attached? && !attestation.official_layout? } # footer is rows-limited fill_in "Contenu du pied de page", with: ["line1", "line2", "line3", "line4"].join("\n") expect(page).to have_field("Contenu du pied de page", with: "line1\nline2\nline3line4") end end end