require 'capybara/rspec' require 'capybara-screenshot/rspec' require 'capybara/email/rspec' require 'selenium/webdriver' def setup_driver(app, download_path, options), browser: :chrome, options:).tap do |driver| if ENV['MAKE_IT_SLOW'].present? driver.browser.network_conditions = { offline: false, latency: 800, download_throughput: 1024000, upload_throughput: 1024000 } end if ENV['JS_LOG'].present? driver.browser.on_log_event(:console) do |event| puts event.args if event.type == ENV['JS_LOG'].downcase.to_sym end end end end Capybara.register_driver :chrome do |app| options = options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') unless ENV['SANDBOX'] options.add_argument('--mute-audio') options.add_argument('--window-size=1440,900') download_path = Capybara.save_path # Chromedriver 77 requires setting this for headless mode on linux # Different versions of Chrome/selenium-webdriver require setting differently - just set them all options.add_preference('download.default_directory', download_path) options.add_preference(:download, default_directory: download_path) setup_driver(app, download_path, options) end Capybara.register_driver :headless_chrome do |app| options = options.add_argument('--no-sandbox') unless ENV['SANDBOX'] options.add_argument('--headless') options.add_argument('--window-size=1440,900') options.add_argument('--disable-dev-shm-usage') options.add_argument('--disable-software-rasterizer') options.add_argument('--mute-audio') download_path = Capybara.save_path # Chromedriver 77 requires setting this for headless mode on linux # Different versions of Chrome/selenium-webdriver require setting differently - just set them all options.add_preference('download.default_directory', download_path) options.add_preference(:download, default_directory: download_path) setup_driver(app, download_path, options) end Capybara.default_max_wait_time = 4 Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements = false Capybara.enable_aria_label = true Capybara.disable_animation = true # Save a snapshot of the HTML page when an integration test fails Capybara::Screenshot.autosave_on_failure = true # Keep only the screenshots generated from the last failing test suite Capybara::Screenshot.prune_strategy = :keep_last_run # Tell Capybara::Screenshot how to take screenshots when using the headless_chrome driver Capybara::Screenshot.register_driver :headless_chrome do |driver, path| driver.browser.save_screenshot(path) end RSpec.configure do |config| config.before(:each, type: :system) do driven_by :rack_test end config.before(:each, type: :system, js: true) do driven_by ENV['NO_HEADLESS'] ? :chrome : :headless_chrome end # Set the user preferred language before Javascript system specs. # # System specs without Javascript run in a Rack stack, and respect the Accept-Language value. # However specs using Javascript are run into a Headless Chrome, which doesn't support setting # the default Accept-Language value reliably. # So instead we set the locale cookie explicitly before each Javascript test. config.before(:each, type: :system, js: true) do visit '/' # Webdriver needs visiting a page before setting the cookie Capybara.current_session.driver.browser.manage.add_cookie( name: :locale, value: Rails.application.config.i18n.default_locale ) end # Examples tagged with :capybara_ignore_server_errors will allow Capybara # to continue when an exception in raised by Rails. # This allows to test for error cases. config.around(:each, :capybara_ignore_server_errors) do |example| Capybara.raise_server_errors = false ensure Capybara.raise_server_errors = true end end