import type { ComboBoxProps as AriaComboBoxProps, TagGroupProps } from 'react-aria-components'; import { useAsyncList, type AsyncListOptions } from 'react-stately'; import { useMemo, useRef, useState, useEffect } from 'react'; import type { Key } from 'react'; import { matchSorter } from 'match-sorter'; import { useDebounceCallback } from 'usehooks-ts'; import { useEvent } from 'react-use-event-hook'; import isEqual from 'react-fast-compare'; import * as s from 'superstruct'; import { Item } from './props'; export type Loader = AsyncListOptions['load']; export interface ComboBoxProps extends Omit, 'children'> { children: React.ReactNode | ((item: Item) => React.ReactNode); label?: string; description?: string; } const inputMap = new WeakMap(); export function useDispatchChangeEvent() { const ref = useRef(null); return { ref, dispatch: () => { requestAnimationFrame(() => { const input = ref.current?.querySelector('input'); if (input) { const value = input.value; const prevValue = inputMap.get(input) || ''; if (value != prevValue) { inputMap.set(input, value); input.dispatchEvent(new Event('change', { bubbles: true })); } } }); } }; } export function useSingleList({ defaultItems, defaultSelectedKey, emptyFilterKey, onChange }: { defaultItems?: Item[]; defaultSelectedKey?: string | null; emptyFilterKey?: string; onChange?: (item: Item | null) => void; }) { const [selectedKey, setSelectedKey] = useState(defaultSelectedKey); const items = useMemo(() => defaultItems || [], [defaultItems]); const selectedItem = useMemo( () => items.find((item) => item.value == selectedKey) ?? null, [items, selectedKey] ); const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState(() => selectedItem?.label ?? ''); // show fallback item when input value is not matching any items const fallbackItem = useMemo( () => items.find((item) => item.value == emptyFilterKey), [items, emptyFilterKey] ); const filteredItems = useMemo(() => { if (inputValue == '') { return items; } const filteredItems = matchSorter(items, inputValue, { keys: ['label'] }); if (filteredItems.length == 0 && fallbackItem) { return [fallbackItem]; } else { return filteredItems; } }, [items, inputValue, fallbackItem]); const initialSelectedKeyRef = useRef(defaultSelectedKey); const setSelection = useEvent((key?: string | null) => { const inputValue = defaultSelectedKey ? items.find((item) => item.value == defaultSelectedKey)?.label : ''; setSelectedKey(key); setInputValue(inputValue ?? ''); }); const onSelectionChange = useEvent< NonNullable >((key) => { setSelection(key ? String(key) : null); const item = typeof key != 'string' ? null : selectedItem?.value == key ? selectedItem : items.find((item) => item.value == key) ?? null; onChange?.(item); }); const onInputChange = useEvent>( (value) => { setInputValue(value); if (value == '') { onSelectionChange(null); } } ); const onReset = useEvent(() => { setSelectedKey(null); setInputValue(''); }); // reset default selected key when props change useEffect(() => { if (initialSelectedKeyRef.current != defaultSelectedKey) { initialSelectedKeyRef.current = defaultSelectedKey; setSelection(defaultSelectedKey); } }, [defaultSelectedKey, setSelection]); return { selectedItem, selectedKey, onSelectionChange, inputValue, onInputChange, items: filteredItems, onReset }; } export function useMultiList({ defaultItems, defaultSelectedKeys, allowsCustomValue, valueSeparator, onChange, focusInput, formValue }: { defaultItems?: Item[]; defaultSelectedKeys?: string[]; allowsCustomValue?: boolean; valueSeparator?: string; onChange?: () => void; focusInput?: () => void; formValue?: 'text' | 'key'; }) { const valueSeparatorRegExp = useMemo( () => (valueSeparator ? new RegExp(valueSeparator) : /\s|,|;/), [valueSeparator] ); const [selectedKeys, setSelectedKeys] = useState( () => new Set(defaultSelectedKeys ?? []) ); const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState(''); const items = useMemo(() => defaultItems || [], [defaultItems]); const itemsIndex = useMemo(() => { const index = new Map(); for (const item of items) { index.set(item.value, item); } return index; }, [items]); const filteredItems = useMemo( () => inputValue.length == 0 ? items : matchSorter(items, inputValue, { keys: ['label'] }), [items, inputValue] ); const selectedItems = useMemo(() => { const selectedItems: Item[] = []; for (const key of selectedKeys) { const item = itemsIndex.get(key); if (item) { selectedItems.push(item); } else if (allowsCustomValue) { selectedItems.push({ label: key, value: key }); } } return selectedItems; }, [itemsIndex, selectedKeys, allowsCustomValue]); const hiddenInputValues = useMemo(() => { const values = => formValue == 'text' || allowsCustomValue ? item.label : item.value ); if (!allowsCustomValue || inputValue == '') { return values; } return [ Set([ ...values, ...inputValue.split(valueSeparatorRegExp).filter(Boolean) ]) ]; }, [ selectedItems, inputValue, valueSeparatorRegExp, allowsCustomValue, formValue ]); const isSelectionSetRef = useRef(false); const initialSelectedKeysRef = useRef(defaultSelectedKeys); // reset default selected keys when props change useEffect(() => { if (!isEqual(initialSelectedKeysRef.current, defaultSelectedKeys)) { initialSelectedKeysRef.current = defaultSelectedKeys; setSelectedKeys(new Set(defaultSelectedKeys)); } }, [defaultSelectedKeys]); const onSelectionChange = useEvent< NonNullable >((key) => { if (key) { isSelectionSetRef.current = true; setSelectedKeys((keys) => { const selectedKeys = new Set(keys.values()); selectedKeys.add(String(key)); return selectedKeys; }); setInputValue(''); onChange?.(); } }); const onInputChange = useEvent>( (value) => { const isSelectionSet = isSelectionSetRef.current; isSelectionSetRef.current = false; if (isSelectionSet) { setInputValue(''); return; } if (allowsCustomValue) { const values = value.split(valueSeparatorRegExp); // if input contains a separator, add all values if (values.length > 1) { const addedKeys = values.filter(Boolean); setSelectedKeys((keys) => { const selectedKeys = new Set(keys.values()); for (const key of addedKeys) { selectedKeys.add(key); } return selectedKeys; }); setInputValue(''); } else { setInputValue(value); } onChange?.(); } else { setInputValue(value); } } ); const onRemove = useEvent>( (removedKeys) => { setSelectedKeys((keys) => { const selectedKeys = new Set(keys.values()); for (const key of removedKeys) { selectedKeys.delete(String(key)); } // focus input when all items are removed if (selectedKeys.size == 0) { focusInput?.(); } return selectedKeys; }); onChange?.(); } ); const onReset = useEvent(() => { setSelectedKeys(new Set()); setInputValue(''); }); return { onRemove, onSelectionChange, onInputChange, selectedItems, items: filteredItems, hiddenInputValues, inputValue, onReset }; } export function useRemoteList({ load, defaultItems, defaultSelectedKey, onChange, debounce, allowsCustomValue }: { load: Loader; defaultItems?: Item[]; defaultSelectedKey?: Key | null; onChange?: (item: Item | null) => void; debounce?: number; allowsCustomValue?: boolean; }) { const [defaultSelectedItem, setSelectedItem] = useState(() => { if (defaultItems) { return ( defaultItems.find((item) => item.value == defaultSelectedKey) ?? null ); } return null; }); const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState( defaultSelectedItem?.label ?? '' ); const selectedItem = useMemo(() => { if (defaultSelectedItem) { return defaultSelectedItem; } if (allowsCustomValue && inputValue != '') { return { label: inputValue, value: inputValue }; } return null; }, [defaultSelectedItem, inputValue, allowsCustomValue]); const list = useAsyncList({ getKey, load }); const setFilterText = useEvent((filterText: string) => { list.setFilterText(filterText); }); const debouncedSetFilterText = useDebounceCallback( setFilterText, debounce ?? 300 ); const onSelectionChange = useEvent< NonNullable >((key) => { const item = typeof key != 'string' ? null : selectedItem?.value == key ? selectedItem : list.getItem(key); setSelectedItem(item); if (item) { setInputValue(item.label); } else if (!allowsCustomValue) { setInputValue(''); } onChange?.(item); }); const onInputChange = useEvent>( (value) => { debouncedSetFilterText(value); setInputValue(value); if (value == '') { onSelectionChange(null); } else if (allowsCustomValue && selectedItem?.label != value) { onChange?.(selectedItem); } } ); const onReset = useEvent(() => { setSelectedItem(null); setInputValue(''); }); // add to items list current selected item if it's not in the list const items = selectedItem && !list.getItem(selectedItem.value) ? [selectedItem, ...list.items] : list.items; return { selectedItem, selectedKey: selectedItem?.value ?? null, onSelectionChange, inputValue, onInputChange, items, onReset }; } function getKey(item: Item) { return item.value; } export const createLoader: ( source: string, options?: { minimumInputLength?: number; limit?: number; param?: string; } ) => Loader = (source, options) => async ({ signal, filterText }) => { const url = new URL(source, location.href); const minimumInputLength = options?.minimumInputLength ?? 2; const param = options?.param ?? 'q'; const limit = options?.limit ?? 10; if (!filterText || filterText.length < minimumInputLength) { return { items: [] }; } url.searchParams.set(param, filterText); try { const response = await fetch(url.toString(), { headers: { accept: 'application/json' }, signal }); if (response.ok) { const json = await response.json(); const [err, result] = s.validate(json, s.array(Item), { coerce: true }); if (!err) { const items = matchSorter(result, filterText, { keys: ['label'] }); return { items: limit ? items.slice(0, limit) : items }; } } return { items: [] }; } catch { return { items: [] }; } }; export function useLabelledBy(id?: string, ariaLabelledby?: string) { return useMemo( () => (ariaLabelledby ? ariaLabelledby : findLabelledbyId(id)), [id, ariaLabelledby] ); } function findLabelledbyId(id?: string) { if (!id) { return; } const label = document.querySelector(`[for="${id}"]`); if (!label?.id) { return; } return; } export function useOnFormReset(onReset?: () => void) { const ref = useRef(null); const onResetListener = useEvent((event) => { if ( == ref.current?.form) { onReset?.(); } }); useEffect(() => { if (onReset) { addEventListener('reset', onResetListener); return () => { removeEventListener('reset', onResetListener); }; } }, [onReset, onResetListener]); return ref; }