- champs = champ.rows.last - if champs.present? - index = (champ.rows.size - 1) * champs.size - row_dom_id = "row-#{SecureRandom.hex(4)}" %div{ class: "row row-#{champs.first.row}", id: row_dom_id } -# Tell the controller which DOM element should be removed once the row deletion is successful = hidden_field_tag 'deleted_row_dom_ids[]', row_dom_id, disabled: true - champs.each.with_index(index) do |champ, index| = fields_for "#{attribute}[#{index}]", champ do |form| = render partial: "shared/dossiers/editable_champs/editable_champ", locals: { champ: champ, form: form } = form.hidden_field :id = form.hidden_field :_destroy, disabled: true .flex.row-reverse %button.button.danger.remove-row Supprimer l’élément