# == Schema Information # # Table name: champs # # id :integer not null, primary key # private :boolean default(FALSE), not null # row :integer # type :string # value :string # created_at :datetime # updated_at :datetime # dossier_id :integer # etablissement_id :integer # parent_id :bigint # type_de_champ_id :integer # class Champ < ApplicationRecord belongs_to :dossier, -> { with_discarded }, inverse_of: :champs, touch: true, optional: false belongs_to :type_de_champ, inverse_of: :champ, optional: false belongs_to :parent, class_name: 'Champ', optional: true has_many :commentaires has_one_attached :piece_justificative_file # We declare champ specific relationships (Champs::CarteChamp, Champs::SiretChamp and Champs::RepetitionChamp) # here because otherwise we can't easily use includes in our queries. has_many :geo_areas, dependent: :destroy belongs_to :etablissement, optional: true, dependent: :destroy has_many :champs, -> { ordered }, foreign_key: :parent_id, inverse_of: :parent, dependent: :destroy delegate :libelle, :type_champ, :procedure, :order_place, :mandatory?, :description, :drop_down_list_options, :drop_down_list_options?, :drop_down_list_disabled_options, :drop_down_list_enabled_non_empty_options, :exclude_from_export?, :exclude_from_view?, :repetition?, :dossier_link?, to: :type_de_champ scope :updated_since?, -> (date) { where('champs.updated_at > ?', date) } scope :public_only, -> { where(private: false) } scope :private_only, -> { where(private: true) } scope :ordered, -> { includes(:type_de_champ).order(:row, 'types_de_champ.order_place') } scope :public_ordered, -> { public_only.joins(dossier: { revision: :revision_types_de_champ }).where('procedure_revision_types_de_champ.type_de_champ_id = champs.type_de_champ_id').order(:position) } # we need to do private champs order as manual join to avoid conflicting join names scope :private_ordered, -> do private_only.joins('INNER JOIN types_de_champ types_de_champ_private ON types_de_champ_private.id = champs.type_de_champ_id AND types_de_champ_private.private = true INNER JOIN procedure_revision_types_de_champ procedure_revision_types_de_champ_private ON procedure_revision_types_de_champ_private.type_de_champ_id = types_de_champ_private.id').order(:position) end scope :root, -> { where(parent_id: nil) } before_validation :set_dossier_id, if: :needs_dossier_id? validates :type_de_champ_id, uniqueness: { scope: [:dossier_id, :row] } def public? !private? end def siblings if parent parent&.champs elsif public? dossier&.champs else dossier&.champs_private end end def mandatory_and_blank? mandatory? && blank? end def blank? case type_de_champ.type_champ when TypeDeChamp.type_champs.fetch(:carte) geo_areas.blank? || value == '[]' else value.blank? end end def search_terms [to_s] end def to_s value.present? ? value.to_s : '' end def for_export value.presence end def for_api value end def for_api_v2 to_s end def for_tag value.present? ? value.to_s : '' end def main_value_name :value end def to_typed_id type_de_champ.to_typed_id end def html_label? true end def stable_id type_de_champ.stable_id end private def needs_dossier_id? !dossier_id && parent_id end def set_dossier_id self.dossier_id = parent.dossier_id end end