import Turbolinks from 'turbolinks'; import Rails from 'rails-ujs'; import ActiveStorage from '../shared/activestorage/ujs'; import jQuery from 'jquery'; // Include runtime-polyfills for older browsers. // Due to .babelrc's 'useBuiltIns', only polyfills actually // required by the browsers we support will be included. import 'babel-polyfill'; import '../shared/sentry'; import '../shared/rails-ujs-fix'; import '../shared/autocomplete'; // Start Rails helpers Rails.start(); Turbolinks.start(); ActiveStorage.start(); // Disable jQuery-driven animations during tests if (process.env['RAILS_ENV'] === 'test') { = true; } // Export jQuery globally for legacy Javascript files used in the old design jQuery.rails = Rails; window.$ = jQuery; window.jQuery = jQuery;