describe 'shared/attachment/_update.html.haml', type: :view do let(:champ) { build(:champ_piece_justificative, dossier: create(:dossier)) } let(:attached_file) { champ.piece_justificative_file } let(:user_can_destroy) { false } subject do form_for(champ.dossier) do |form| view.image_upload_and_render form, attached_file end end context 'when there is no attached file' do before do champ.piece_justificative_file = nil end it 'renders a form field for uploading a file' do expect(subject).to have_selector('input[type=file]:not(.hidden)') end end context 'when there is a attached file' do it 'renders a form field for uploading a file' do expect(subject).to have_selector('input[type=file]:not(.hidden)') end it 'does not renders a link to the unsaved file' do expect(subject).not_to have_content(attached_file.filename.to_s) end it 'doesn’t render action buttons' do expect(subject).not_to have_link('Remplacer') expect(subject).not_to have_link('Supprimer') end context 'and the attachment has been saved' do before {! } it 'renders a link to the file' do expect(subject).to have_content(attached_file.filename.to_s) end it 'renders action buttons' do expect(subject).to have_button('Remplacer') end it 'hides the form field by default' do expect(subject).to have_selector('input[type=file].hidden') end it 'hides the Delete button by default' do is_expected.not_to have_link('Supprimer') end context 'and the user can delete the attachment' do let(:user_can_destroy) { true } it { have_link('Supprimer') } end end end end