require 'prawn/measurement_extensions' #----- A4 page size page_size = 'A4' # page_height = 842 page_width = 595 #----- margins body_width = 400 top_margin = 50 bottom_margin = 20 footer_height = top_margin - bottom_margin right_margin = (page_width - body_width) / 2 left_margin = right_margin #----- size of images max_logo_width = body_width max_logo_height = max_signature_size = def normalize_pdf_text(text) text&.tr("\t", ' ') end title = normalize_pdf_text(@attestation.fetch(:title)) body = normalize_pdf_text(@attestation.fetch(:body)) footer = normalize_pdf_text(@attestation.fetch(:footer)) created_at = @attestation.fetch(:created_at) logo = @attestation[:logo] signature = @attestation[:signature] prawn_document(margin: [top_margin, right_margin, bottom_margin, left_margin], page_size: page_size) do |pdf| pdf.font_families.update('marianne' => { normal: Rails.root.join('lib/prawn/fonts/marianne/marianne-regular.ttf') }) pdf.font 'marianne' grey = '555555' black = '333333' body_height = pdf.cursor - footer_height pdf.bounding_box([0, pdf.cursor], width: body_width, height: body_height) do if logo.present? logo_content = if logo.is_a?(ActiveStorage::Attached::One) else logo.rewind && end pdf.image, fit: [max_logo_width, max_logo_height], position: :center end pdf.fill_color grey pdf.pad_top(40) { pdf.text "le #{l(created_at, format: '%e %B %Y')}", size: 9, align: :right, character_spacing: -0.5 } pdf.fill_color black pdf.pad_top(40) { pdf.text title, size: 14, character_spacing: -0.2 } pdf.fill_color grey pdf.pad_top(30) { pdf.text body, size: 9, character_spacing: -0.2, align: :justify } if signature.present? pdf.pad_top(40) do signature_content = if signature.is_a?(ActiveStorage::Attached::One) else signature.rewind && end pdf.image, fit: [max_signature_size, max_signature_size], position: :right end end end pdf.repeat(:all) do pdf.move_cursor_to footer_height - 10 pdf.fill_color grey if footer.present? # We reduce the size of large footer so they can be drawn in the corresponding area. # This is due to a font change, the replacing font is slightly bigger than the previous one footer_font_size = footer.length > 170 ? 7 : 8 pdf.text footer, align: :center, size: footer_font_size end end end