class DossierProjectionService class DossierProjection <, :columns) end TABLE = 'table' COLUMN = 'column' # Returns [DossierProjection(dossier, columns)] ordered by dossiers_ids # and the columns orderd by fields. # # It tries to be fast by using `pluck` (or at least `select`) # to avoid deserializing entire records. # # It stores its intermediary queries results in an hash in the corresponding field. # ex: field_email[:id_value_h] = { dossier_id_1: email_1, dossier_id_3: email_3 } # # Those hashes are needed because: # - the order of the intermediary query results are unknown # - some values can be missing (if a revision added or removed them) def self.project(dossiers_ids, fields) champ_fields, other_fields = fields .partition { |f| ['type_de_champ', 'type_de_champ_private'].include?(f[TABLE]) } if champ_fields.present? Champ .includes(:type_de_champ) .where( # as querying the champs table is costly # we fetch all the requested champs at once types_de_champ: { stable_id: { |f| f[COLUMN] } }, dossier_id: dossiers_ids ) .select(:dossier_id, :value, :type_de_champ_id, :stable_id) # we cannot pluck :value, as we need the champ.to_s method .group_by(&:stable_id) # the champs are redispatched to their respective fields .map do |stable_id, champs| field = champ_fields.find { |f| f[COLUMN] == stable_id.to_s } field[:id_value_h] = champs.to_h { |c| [c.dossier_id, c.to_s] } end end other_fields.each do |field| field[:id_value_h] = case field[TABLE] when 'self' Dossier .where(id: dossiers_ids) .pluck(:id, field[COLUMN].to_sym) .to_h { |id, col| [id, col&.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')] } when 'user' Dossier .joins(:user) .where(id: dossiers_ids) .pluck(',') .to_h when 'individual' Individual .where(dossier_id: dossiers_ids) .pluck(:dossier_id, field[COLUMN].to_sym) .to_h when 'etablissement' Etablissement .where(dossier_id: dossiers_ids) .pluck(:dossier_id, field[COLUMN].to_sym) .to_h when 'groupe_instructeur' Dossier .joins(:groupe_instructeur) .where(id: dossiers_ids) .pluck(', groupe_instructeurs.label') .to_h when 'followers_instructeurs' Follow .active .joins(instructeur: :user) .where(dossier_id: dossiers_ids) .pluck('dossier_id,') .group_by { |dossier_id, _| dossier_id } .to_h { |dossier_id, dossier_id_emails| [dossier_id, { |_, email| email }&.join(', ')] } end end Dossier .select(:id, :state, :archived) # the dossier object is needed in the view .find(dossiers_ids) # keeps dossiers_ids order and raise exception if one is missing .map do |dossier|, { |f| f[:id_value_h][] }) end end end