shared_examples 'carte_controller_spec' do describe 'GET #show' do describe 'before_action authorized_routes?' do context 'when dossier’s procedure have api carto actived' do context 'when dossier does not have a valid state' do before do dossier.state = Dossier.states.fetch(:en_instruction) get :show, params: { dossier_id: } end it { redirect_to root_path } end end context 'when dossier’s procedure does not have api carto actived' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) } before do get :show, params: { dossier_id: } end it { redirect_to(root_path) } end end context 'user is not connected' do before do sign_out user end it 'redirects to users/sign_in' do get :show, params: { dossier_id: } expect(response).to redirect_to('/users/sign_in') end end it 'returns http success if carto is activated' do get :show, params: { dossier_id: } expect(response).to have_http_status(:success) end context 'when procedure not have activate api carto' do it 'redirection on user dossier list' do get :show, params: { dossier_id: } expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) end end context 'when dossier id not exist' do it 'redirection on user dossier list' do get :show, params: { dossier_id: bad_dossier_id } expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) end end it_behaves_like "not owner of dossier", :show end describe 'POST #save' do context 'it cleans json_latlngs' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, state: Dossier.states.fetch(:en_construction)) } let(:json_latlngs) { multipolygon.to_json } before do post :save, params: { dossier_id:, json_latlngs: json_latlngs } dossier.reload end context 'when json_latlngs is invalid' do let(:multipolygon) do [ [ { lat: 1, lng: 1 }, { lat: 1, lng: 2 }, { lat: 1, lng: 1 } ] ] end it { expect(dossier.json_latlngs).to be_nil } end context 'when json_latlngs is valid' do let(:multipolygon) do [ [ { lat: 1, lng: 1 }, { lat: 1, lng: 2 }, { lat: 2, lng: 2 }, { lat: 1, lng: 1 } ] ] end it { expect(dossier.json_latlngs).to eq(json_latlngs) } end end context 'En train de modifier la localisation' do let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, state: Dossier.states.fetch(:en_construction)) } before do post :save, params: { dossier_id:, json_latlngs: '' } end it 'Redirection vers le formulaire de la procedure' do expect(response).to redirect_to(modifier_dossier_path(dossier)) end end describe 'Save quartier prioritaire' do let(:module_api_carto) { create(:module_api_carto, :with_quartiers_prioritaires) } before do allow_any_instance_of(CARTO::SGMAP::QuartiersPrioritaires::Adapter) .to receive(:to_params) .and_return({ "QPCODE1234" => { :code => "QPCODE1234", :nom => "QP de test", :commune => "Paris", :geometry => { :type => "MultiPolygon", :coordinates => [[[[2.38715792094576, 48.8723062632126], [2.38724851642619, 48.8721392348061]]]] } } }) post :save, params: { dossier_id:, json_latlngs: json_latlngs } end context 'when json_latlngs params is empty' do context 'when dossier have quartier prioritaire in database' do let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :with_two_quartier_prioritaires) } before do dossier.reload end context 'when value is empty' do let(:json_latlngs) { '' } it { expect(dossier.quartier_prioritaires.size).to eq(0) } end context 'when value is empty array' do let(:json_latlngs) { '[]' } it { expect(dossier.quartier_prioritaires.size).to eq(0) } end end end context 'when json_latlngs params is informed' do let(:json_latlngs) { '[[{"lat":48.87442541960633,"lng":2.3859214782714844},{"lat":48.87273183590832,"lng":2.3850631713867183},{"lat":48.87081237174292,"lng":2.3809432983398438},{"lat":48.8712640169951,"lng":2.377510070800781},{"lat":48.87510283703279,"lng":2.3778533935546875},{"lat":48.87544154230615,"lng":2.382831573486328},{"lat":48.87442541960633,"lng":2.3859214782714844}]]' } it { expect(dossier.quartier_prioritaires.size).to eq(1) } describe 'Quartier Prioritaire' do subject { QuartierPrioritaire.last } it { expect(subject.code).to eq('QPCODE1234') } it { expect(subject.commune).to eq('Paris') } it { expect(subject.nom).to eq('QP de test') } it { expect(subject.dossier_id).to eq( } end end end describe 'Save cadastre' do let(:module_api_carto) { create(:module_api_carto, :with_cadastre) } before do allow_any_instance_of(CARTO::SGMAP::Cadastre::Adapter) .to receive(:to_params) .and_return([{ :surface_intersection => "0.0006", :surface_parcelle => 11252.692583090324, :numero => "0013", :feuille => 1, :section => "CD", :code_dep => "30", :nom_com => "Le Grau-du-Roi", :code_com => "133", :code_arr => "000", :geometry => { :type => "MultiPolygon", :coordinates => [[[[4.134084, 43.5209193], [4.1346615, 43.5212035], [4.1346984, 43.521189], [4.135096, 43.5213848], [4.1350839, 43.5214122], [4.1352697, 43.521505], [4.1356278, 43.5211065], [4.1357402, 43.5207188], [4.1350935, 43.5203936], [4.135002, 43.5204366], [4.1346051, 43.5202412], [4.134584, 43.5202472], [4.1345572, 43.5202551], [4.134356, 43.5203137], [4.1342488, 43.5203448], [4.134084, 43.5209193]]]] } }]) post :save, params: { dossier_id:, json_latlngs: json_latlngs } end context 'when json_latlngs params is empty' do context 'when dossier have cadastres in database' do let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :with_two_cadastres) } before do dossier.reload end context 'when value is empty' do let(:json_latlngs) { '' } it { expect(dossier.cadastres.size).to eq(0) } end context 'when value is empty array' do let(:json_latlngs) { '[]' } it { expect(dossier.cadastres.size).to eq(0) } end end end context 'when json_latlngs params is informed' do let(:json_latlngs) { '[[{"lat":48.87442541960633,"lng":2.3859214782714844},{"lat":48.87273183590832,"lng":2.3850631713867183},{"lat":48.87081237174292,"lng":2.3809432983398438},{"lat":48.8712640169951,"lng":2.377510070800781},{"lat":48.87510283703279,"lng":2.3778533935546875},{"lat":48.87544154230615,"lng":2.382831573486328},{"lat":48.87442541960633,"lng":2.3859214782714844}]]' } it { expect(dossier.cadastres.size).to eq(1) } describe 'Cadastre' do subject { Cadastre.last } it { expect(subject.surface_intersection).to eq('0.0006') } it { expect(subject.surface_parcelle).to eq(11252.6925830903) } it { expect(subject.numero).to eq('0013') } it { expect(subject.feuille).to eq(1) } it { expect(subject.section).to eq('CD') } it { expect(subject.code_dep).to eq('30') } it { expect(subject.nom_com).to eq('Le Grau-du-Roi') } it { expect(subject.code_com).to eq('133') } it { expect(subject.code_arr).to eq('000') } it { expect(subject.geometry).to eq({ "type" => "MultiPolygon", "coordinates" => [[[[4.134084, 43.5209193], [4.1346615, 43.5212035], [4.1346984, 43.521189], [4.135096, 43.5213848], [4.1350839, 43.5214122], [4.1352697, 43.521505], [4.1356278, 43.5211065], [4.1357402, 43.5207188], [4.1350935, 43.5203936], [4.135002, 43.5204366], [4.1346051, 43.5202412], [4.134584, 43.5202472], [4.1345572, 43.5202551], [4.134356, 43.5203137], [4.1342488, 43.5203448], [4.134084, 43.5209193]]]] }) } end end end end describe '#get_position' do context 'when etablissement is nil' do before do dossier.update etablissement: nil stub_request(:get, /http:\/\/api-adresse[.]data[.]gouv[.]fr\/search[?]limit=1&q=/) .to_return(status: 200, body: '{"query": "babouba", "version": "draft", "licence": "ODbL 1.0", "features": [], "type": "FeatureCollection", "attribution": "BAN"}', headers: {}) get :get_position, params: { dossier_id: } end subject { JSON.parse(response.body) } it 'on enregistre des coordonnées lat et lon avec les valeurs par defaut' do expect(subject['lat']).to eq('46.538192') expect(subject['lon']).to eq('2.428462') end end context 'Geocodeur renvoie les positions par defaut' do let(:etablissement) { create(:etablissement, adresse: bad_adresse, numero_voie: 'dzj', type_voie: 'fzjfk', nom_voie: 'hdidjkz', complement_adresse: 'fjef', code_postal: 'fjeiefk', localite: 'zjfkfz') } let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, etablissement: etablissement) } before do stub_request(:get, /http:\/\/api-adresse[.]data[.]gouv[.]fr\/search[?]limit=1&q=/) .to_return(status: 200, body: '{"query": "babouba", "version": "draft", "licence": "ODbL 1.0", "features": [], "type": "FeatureCollection", "attribution": "BAN"}', headers: {}) get :get_position, params: { dossier_id: } end subject { JSON.parse(response.body) } it 'on enregistre des coordonnées lat et lon avec les valeurs par defaut' do expect(subject['lat']).to eq('46.538192') expect(subject['lon']).to eq('2.428462') end end context 'retour d\'un fichier JSON avec 3 attributs' do before do stub_request(:get, "{adresse}") .to_return(status: 200, body: '{"query": "50 avenue des champs u00e9lysu00e9es Paris 75008", "version": "draft", "licence": "ODbL 1.0", "features": [{"geometry": {"coordinates": [2.306888, 48.870374], "type": "Point"}, "type": "Feature", "properties": {"city": "Paris", "label": "50 Avenue des Champs u00c9lysu00e9es 75008 Paris", "housenumber": "50", "id": "ADRNIVX_0000000270748251", "postcode": "75008", "name": "50 Avenue des Champs u00c9lysu00e9es", "citycode": "75108", "context": "75, u00cele-de-France", "score": 0.9054545454545454, "type": "housenumber"}}], "type": "FeatureCollection", "attribution": "BAN"}', headers: {}) get :get_position, params: { dossier_id: } end subject { JSON.parse(response.body) } it 'format JSON valide' do expect(response.content_type).to eq('application/json') end it 'latitude' do expect(subject['lat']).to eq('48.870374') end it 'longitude' do expect(subject['lon']).to eq('2.306888') end it 'dossier_id' do expect(subject['dossier_id']).to eq( end end end describe 'POST #get_qp' do before do allow_any_instance_of(CARTO::SGMAP::QuartiersPrioritaires::Adapter) .to receive(:to_params) .and_return({ "QPCODE1234" => { :code => "QPCODE1234", :geometry => { :type => "MultiPolygon", :coordinates => [[[[2.38715792094576, 48.8723062632126], [2.38724851642619, 48.8721392348061]]]] } } }) post :get_qp, params: { dossier_id:, coordinates: coordinates } end context 'when coordinates are empty' do let(:coordinates) { '[]' } subject { JSON.parse(response.body) } it 'Quartier Prioritaire Adapter does not call' do expect(subject['quartier_prioritaires']).to eq({}) end end context 'when coordinates are informed' do let(:coordinates) { '[[{"lat":48.87442541960633,"lng":2.3859214782714844},{"lat":48.87273183590832,"lng":2.3850631713867183},{"lat":48.87081237174292,"lng":2.3809432983398438},{"lat":48.8712640169951,"lng":2.377510070800781},{"lat":48.87510283703279,"lng":2.3778533935546875},{"lat":48.87544154230615,"lng":2.382831573486328},{"lat":48.87442541960633,"lng":2.3859214782714844}]]' } subject { JSON.parse(response.body)['quartier_prioritaires'] } it { expect(subject).not_to be_nil } it { expect(subject['QPCODE1234']['code']).to eq('QPCODE1234') } it { expect(subject['QPCODE1234']['geometry']['type']).to eq('MultiPolygon') } it { expect(subject['QPCODE1234']['geometry']['coordinates']).to eq([[[[2.38715792094576, 48.8723062632126], [2.38724851642619, 48.8721392348061]]]]) } end end end