RSpec.describe RNAChampAssociationFetchableConcern do describe '.fetch_association!' do let!(:champ) { create(:champ_rna, data: "not nil data", value: 'W173847273') } before do stub_request(:get, /https:\/\/\/v4\/djepva\/api-association\/associations\/open_data\/#{rna}/) .to_return(body: body, status: status) allow_any_instance_of(APIEntrepriseToken).to receive(:expired?).and_return(false) end subject(:fetch_association!) { champ.fetch_association!(rna) } shared_examples "an association fetcher" do |expected_result, expected_error, expected_value, expected_data| it { expect { fetch_association! }.to change { champ.reload.value }.to(expected_value) } it { expect { fetch_association! }.to change { }.to(expected_data) } it { expect(fetch_association!).to eq(expected_result) } it 'populates the association_fetch_error_key when an error occurs' do fetch_association! expect(champ.association_fetch_error_key).to eq(expected_error) end end context 'when the RNA is empty' do let(:rna) { '' } let(:status) { 422 } let(:body) { '' } it_behaves_like "an association fetcher", false, :empty, '', nil end context 'when the RNA is invalid' do let(:rna) { '1234' } let(:status) { 422 } let(:body) { '' } it_behaves_like "an association fetcher", false, :invalid, '1234', nil end context 'when the RNA is unknow' do let(:rna) { 'W111111111' } let(:status) { 404 } let(:body) { '' } it_behaves_like "an association fetcher", false, :not_found, 'W111111111', nil end context 'when the API is unavailable due to network error' do let(:rna) { 'W595001988' } let(:status) { 503 } let(:body) {'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/associations.json') } before { expect(APIEntrepriseService).to receive(:api_djepva_up?).and_return(false) } it_behaves_like "an association fetcher", false, :network_error, 'W595001988', nil end context 'when the RNA informations are retrieved successfully' do let(:rna) { 'W595001988' } let(:status) { 200 } let(:body) {'spec/fixtures/files/api_entreprise/associations.json') } it_behaves_like "an association fetcher", true, nil, 'W595001988', { "association_titre" => "LA PRÉVENTION ROUTIERE", "association_objet" => "L'association a pour objet de promouvoir la pratique du sport de haut niveau et de contribuer à la formation des jeunes sportifs.", "association_date_creation" => "2015-01-01", "association_date_declaration" => "2019-01-01", "association_date_publication" => "2018-01-01", "association_rna" => "W751080001", "adresse" => { "complement" => "", "numero_voie" => "33", "type_voie" => "rue", "libelle_voie" => "de Modagor", "distribution" => "dummy", "code_insee" => "75108", "code_postal" => "75009", "commune" => "Paris" } } end end end