diff --git a/app/components/dossiers/champs_rows_show_component/champs_rows_show_component.html.haml b/app/components/dossiers/champs_rows_show_component/champs_rows_show_component.html.haml
index fb07850b8..83c462630 100644
--- a/app/components/dossiers/champs_rows_show_component/champs_rows_show_component.html.haml
+++ b/app/components/dossiers/champs_rows_show_component/champs_rows_show_component.html.haml
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
- each_champ do |champ|
- if champ.repetition?
- - champ.rows.each.with_index do |row, i|
+ - types_de_champ = champ.dossier.revision.children_of(champ.type_de_champ)
+ - champs_by_stable_id_with_row = champ.dossier.champs_by_stable_id_with_row
+ - champ.row_ids.each.with_index do |row_id, i|
- %p.font-weight-bold= "#{champ.libelle} #{i + 1} :"
- = render Dossiers::ChampsRowsShowComponent.new(champs: row, seen_at:, profile:)
+ %p.font-weight-bold= "#{champ.libelle} #{i + 1} :"
+ = render ViewableChamp::SectionComponent.new(types_de_champ:, champs_by_stable_id_with_row:, row_id:, demande_seen_at: seen_at, profile:)
- else
= render Dossiers::RowShowComponent.new(label: champ.libelle, seen_at:, profile:, content_class: champ.type_champ, updated_at: updated_after_deposer?(champ) ? champ.updated_at : nil) do |c|
diff --git a/app/components/editable_champ/repetition_component/repetition_component.html.haml b/app/components/editable_champ/repetition_component/repetition_component.html.haml
index 6e0f83525..e2b565d89 100644
--- a/app/components/editable_champ/repetition_component/repetition_component.html.haml
+++ b/app/components/editable_champ/repetition_component/repetition_component.html.haml
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@
.repetition{ id: dom_id(@champ, :rows) }
- - @champ.rows.each do |champs|
- = render EditableChamp::RepetitionRowComponent.new(form: @form, champ: @champ, row: champs, seen_at: @seen_at)
+ - @champ.row_ids.each do |row_id|
+ = render EditableChamp::RepetitionRowComponent.new(form: @form, champ: @champ, row_id:, seen_at: @seen_at)
= render NestedForms::OwnedButtonComponent.new(formaction: champs_repetition_path(@champ.id), http_method: :create, opt: { class: "fr-btn fr-btn--secondary fr-btn--icon-left fr-icon-add-circle-line fr-mb-3w", title: t(".add_title", libelle: @champ.libelle), id: dom_id(@champ, :create_repetition)}) do
diff --git a/app/components/editable_champ/repetition_row_component.rb b/app/components/editable_champ/repetition_row_component.rb
index e647b5640..207d1a241 100644
--- a/app/components/editable_champ/repetition_row_component.rb
+++ b/app/components/editable_champ/repetition_row_component.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,17 @@
class EditableChamp::RepetitionRowComponent < ApplicationComponent
- def initialize(form:, champ:, row:, seen_at: nil)
- @form, @champ, @row, @seen_at = form, champ, row, seen_at
+ def initialize(form:, champ:, row_id:, seen_at: nil)
+ @form, @champ, @row_id, @seen_at = form, champ, row_id, seen_at
+ @types_de_champ = champ.dossier.revision.children_of(champ.type_de_champ)
+ @champs_by_stable_id_with_row = champ.dossier.champs_by_stable_id_with_row
+ @row_number = champ.row_ids.find_index(row_id)
+ end
+ attr_reader :row_id, :row_number
+ private
+ def section_component
+ EditableChamp::SectionComponent.new(types_de_champ: @types_de_champ, champs_by_stable_id_with_row: @champs_by_stable_id_with_row, row_id:)
diff --git a/app/components/editable_champ/repetition_row_component/repetition_row_component.html.haml b/app/components/editable_champ/repetition_row_component/repetition_row_component.html.haml
index 8b49d0f99..df3dc005b 100644
--- a/app/components/editable_champ/repetition_row_component/repetition_row_component.html.haml
+++ b/app/components/editable_champ/repetition_row_component/repetition_row_component.html.haml
@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
-- row_id = "safe-row-selector-#{@row.first.row_id}"
-.row{ id: row_id }
- - if @row.size > 1
+.row{ id: "safe-row-selector-#{row_id}" }
+ - if @types_de_champ.size > 1
%legend.block-id= "#{@champ.libelle} "
- = render EditableChamp::SectionComponent.new(champs: @row)
+ = render section_component
- else
- = render EditableChamp::SectionComponent.new(champs: @row)
+ = render section_component
- = render NestedForms::OwnedButtonComponent.new(formaction: champs_repetition_path(@champ.id, row_id: @row.first.row_id), http_method: :delete, opt: { class: "fr-btn fr-btn--sm fr-btn--tertiary fr-text-action-high--red-marianne", title: t(".delete_title", row_number: @champ.rows.find_index(@row))}) do
+ = render NestedForms::OwnedButtonComponent.new(formaction: champs_repetition_path(@champ.id, row_id:), http_method: :delete, opt: { class: "fr-btn fr-btn--sm fr-btn--tertiary fr-text-action-high--red-marianne", title: t(".delete_title", row_number:)}) do
= t(".delete")
diff --git a/app/components/editable_champ/section_component.rb b/app/components/editable_champ/section_component.rb
index 55007bc66..6a00123cd 100644
--- a/app/components/editable_champ/section_component.rb
+++ b/app/components/editable_champ/section_component.rb
@@ -2,8 +2,10 @@ class EditableChamp::SectionComponent < ApplicationComponent
include ApplicationHelper
include TreeableConcern
- def initialize(nodes: nil, champs: nil)
- nodes ||= to_tree(champs:)
+ def initialize(nodes: nil, types_de_champ: nil, row_id: nil, champs_by_stable_id_with_row:)
+ nodes ||= to_tree(types_de_champ:)
+ @champs_by_stable_id_with_row = champs_by_stable_id_with_row
+ @row_id = row_id
@nodes = to_fieldset(nodes:)
@@ -12,7 +14,8 @@ class EditableChamp::SectionComponent < ApplicationComponent
def header_section
- @nodes.first if @nodes.first.is_a?(Champs::HeaderSectionChamp)
+ node = @nodes.first
+ champ_for_type_de_champ(node) if node.is_a?(TypeDeChamp) && node.header_section?
def splitted_tail
@@ -35,17 +38,21 @@ class EditableChamp::SectionComponent < ApplicationComponent
when EditableChamp::SectionComponent
[node, nil]
- [nil, node]
+ [nil, champ_for_type_de_champ(node)]
def to_fieldset(nodes:)
- nodes.map { _1.is_a?(Array) ? EditableChamp::SectionComponent.new(nodes: _1) : _1 }
+ nodes.map { _1.is_a?(Array) ? EditableChamp::SectionComponent.new(nodes: _1, row_id: @row_id, champs_by_stable_id_with_row: @champs_by_stable_id_with_row) : _1 }
def first_champ_is_an_header_section?
+ def champ_for_type_de_champ(type_de_champ)
+ @champs_by_stable_id_with_row[[@row_id, type_de_champ.stable_id].compact]
+ end
diff --git a/app/components/viewable_champ/section_component.rb b/app/components/viewable_champ/section_component.rb
index 6debfb874..b3024f318 100644
--- a/app/components/viewable_champ/section_component.rb
+++ b/app/components/viewable_champ/section_component.rb
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ class ViewableChamp::SectionComponent < ApplicationComponent
include ApplicationHelper
include TreeableConcern
- def initialize(champs: nil, nodes: nil, demande_seen_at:, profile:)
- @demande_seen_at, @profile, @repetition = demande_seen_at, profile
- nodes ||= to_tree(champs:)
+ def initialize(nodes: nil, types_de_champ: nil, row_id: nil, demande_seen_at:, profile:, champs_by_stable_id_with_row:)
+ @demande_seen_at, @profile, @row_id, @champs_by_stable_id_with_row = demande_seen_at, profile, row_id, champs_by_stable_id_with_row
+ nodes ||= to_tree(types_de_champ:)
@nodes = to_sections(nodes:)
@@ -13,17 +13,18 @@ class ViewableChamp::SectionComponent < ApplicationComponent
def header_section
- if @nodes.first.is_a?(Champs::HeaderSectionChamp)
- @nodes.first
+ maybe_header_section = @nodes.first
+ if maybe_header_section.is_a?(TypeDeChamp) && maybe_header_section.header_section?
+ champ_for_type_de_champ(maybe_header_section)
def champs
- tail.filter { _1.is_a?(Champ) }
+ tail.filter_map { _1.is_a?(TypeDeChamp) ? champ_for_type_de_champ(_1) : nil }
def sections
- tail.filter { !_1.is_a?(Champ) }
+ tail.filter { _1.is_a?(ViewableChamp::SectionComponent) }
def tail
@@ -48,6 +49,10 @@ class ViewableChamp::SectionComponent < ApplicationComponent
def to_sections(nodes:)
- nodes.map { _1.is_a?(Array) ? ViewableChamp::SectionComponent.new(nodes: _1, demande_seen_at: @demande_seen_at, profile: @profile) : _1 }
+ nodes.map { _1.is_a?(Array) ? ViewableChamp::SectionComponent.new(nodes: _1, demande_seen_at: @demande_seen_at, profile: @profile, champs_by_stable_id_with_row: @champs_by_stable_id_with_row) : _1 }
+ end
+ def champ_for_type_de_champ(type_de_champ)
+ @champs_by_stable_id_with_row[[@row_id, type_de_champ.stable_id].compact]
diff --git a/app/controllers/champs/repetition_controller.rb b/app/controllers/champs/repetition_controller.rb
index b13979716..aabfa3601 100644
--- a/app/controllers/champs/repetition_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/champs/repetition_controller.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,9 @@ class Champs::RepetitionController < ApplicationController
def add
@champ = policy_scope(Champ).includes(:champs).find(params[:champ_id])
- @champs = @champ.add_row(@champ.dossier.revision)
+ row = @champ.add_row(@champ.dossier.revision)
+ @first_champ_id = row.map(&:focusable_input_id).compact.first
+ @row_id = row.first&.row_id
def remove
diff --git a/app/controllers/root_controller.rb b/app/controllers/root_controller.rb
index 6deb4cf13..62cd4ab87 100644
--- a/app/controllers/root_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/root_controller.rb
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ class RootController < ApplicationController
description = "Allez voir le super site : #{APPLICATION_BASE_URL}"
all_champs = TypeDeChamp.type_champs
- .map { |name, _| TypeDeChamp.new(type_champ: name, private: false, libelle: name.humanize, description: description, mandatory: true) }
+ .map.with_index { |(name, _), i| TypeDeChamp.new(type_champ: name, private: false, libelle: name.humanize, description:, mandatory: true, stable_id: i) }
.map.with_index { |type_de_champ, i| type_de_champ.champ.build(id: i) }
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ class RootController < ApplicationController
.each { |champ| champ.value = value }
- @dossier = Dossier.new(champs_public: all_champs)
+ @dossier = Dossier.new(champs: all_champs)
@dossier.association(:procedure).target = Procedure.new
all_champs.each do |champ|
champ.association(:dossier).target = @dossier
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ class RootController < ApplicationController
- draft_revision = @dossier.procedure.build_draft_revision(types_de_champ_public: all_champs.map(&:type_de_champ))
+ draft_revision = @dossier.procedure.build_draft_revision(types_de_champ: all_champs.map(&:type_de_champ))
@dossier.association(:revision).target = draft_revision
@dossier.champs_public.map(&:type_de_champ).map do |tdc|
tdc.association(:revision_type_de_champ).target = tdc.build_revision_type_de_champ(revision: draft_revision)
diff --git a/app/graphql/types/champs/repetition_champ_type.rb b/app/graphql/types/champs/repetition_champ_type.rb
index 7ccd3106e..fdcdfab18 100644
--- a/app/graphql/types/champs/repetition_champ_type.rb
+++ b/app/graphql/types/champs/repetition_champ_type.rb
@@ -11,16 +11,18 @@ module Types::Champs
field :rows, [Row], null: false
def champs
- Loaders::Association.for(object.class, champs: :type_de_champ).load(object).then do |champs|
- champs.filter(&:visible?)
- end
+ object.rows.flat_map { _1.filter(&:visible?) }
def rows
- Loaders::Association.for(object.class, champs: :type_de_champ).load(object).then do |champs|
- object.association(:champs).target = champs.filter(&:visible?)
- object.rows.map { { champs: _1, id: GraphQL::Schema::UniqueWithinType.encode('Row', _1.first.row_id) } }
- end
+ object
+ .rows
+ .map do
+ {
+ id: GraphQL::Schema::UniqueWithinType.encode('Row', _1.first.row_id),
+ champs: _1.filter(&:visible?)
+ }
+ end
diff --git a/app/graphql/types/dossier_type.rb b/app/graphql/types/dossier_type.rb
index ac0d80bce..f608b4d0b 100644
--- a/app/graphql/types/dossier_type.rb
+++ b/app/graphql/types/dossier_type.rb
@@ -157,10 +157,7 @@ module Types
.for(object, private: false)
- Loaders::Association
- .for(object.class, champs_public: :type_de_champ)
- .load(object)
- .then { |champs| champs.filter(&:visible?) }
+ object.champs_for_revision(scope: :public, root: true).filter(&:visible?)
@@ -170,7 +167,7 @@ module Types
.for(object, private: true)
- Loaders::Association.for(object.class, champs_private: :type_de_champ).load(object)
+ object.champs_for_revision(scope: :private, root: true).filter(&:visible?)
diff --git a/app/models/attestation_template.rb b/app/models/attestation_template.rb
index 52d32b166..eea88355c 100644
--- a/app/models/attestation_template.rb
+++ b/app/models/attestation_template.rb
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@ class AttestationTemplate < ApplicationRecord
def unspecified_champs_for_dossier(dossier)
- all_champs_with_libelle_index = (dossier.champs_public + dossier.champs_private).index_by { |champ| "tdc#{champ.stable_id}" }
+ champs_by_stable_id = dossier.champs_for_revision(root: true).index_by { "tdc#{_1.stable_id}" }
used_tags.filter_map do |used_tag|
- corresponding_champ = all_champs_with_libelle_index[used_tag]
+ corresponding_champ = champs_by_stable_id[used_tag]
if corresponding_champ && corresponding_champ.blank?
diff --git a/app/models/champ.rb b/app/models/champ.rb
index 22fe4640c..3fcd43563 100644
--- a/app/models/champ.rb
+++ b/app/models/champ.rb
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ class Champ < ApplicationRecord
# here because otherwise we can't easily use includes in our queries.
has_many :geo_areas, -> { order(:created_at) }, dependent: :destroy, inverse_of: :champ
belongs_to :etablissement, optional: true, dependent: :destroy
- has_many :champs, -> { ordered }, foreign_key: :parent_id, inverse_of: :parent
+ has_many :champs, foreign_key: :parent_id, inverse_of: :parent
delegate :procedure, to: :dossier
@@ -70,14 +70,6 @@ class Champ < ApplicationRecord
scope :updated_since?, -> (date) { where('champs.updated_at > ?', date) }
scope :public_only, -> { where(private: false) }
scope :private_only, -> { where(private: true) }
- scope :ordered, -> do
- includes(:type_de_champ)
- .joins(dossier: { revision: :revision_types_de_champ })
- .where('procedure_revision_types_de_champ.type_de_champ_id = champs.type_de_champ_id')
- .order(:row_id, :position)
- end
- scope :public_ordered, -> { public_only.ordered }
- scope :private_ordered, -> { private_only.ordered }
scope :root, -> { where(parent_id: nil) }
scope :prefilled, -> { where(prefilled: true) }
@@ -99,10 +91,6 @@ class Champ < ApplicationRecord
[row_id, stable_id].compact
- def sections
- @sections ||= dossier.sections_for(self)
- end
# used for the `required` html attribute
# check visibility to avoid hidden required input
# which prevent the form from being sent.
diff --git a/app/models/champs/header_section_champ.rb b/app/models/champs/header_section_champ.rb
index 69ac6d54c..27e0c128b 100644
--- a/app/models/champs/header_section_champ.rb
+++ b/app/models/champs/header_section_champ.rb
@@ -16,8 +16,4 @@ class Champs::HeaderSectionChamp < Champ
def libelle_with_section_index?
libelle =~ /^\d/
- def section_index
- sections.index(self) + 1
- end
diff --git a/app/models/champs/repetition_champ.rb b/app/models/champs/repetition_champ.rb
index ed9d91c00..ad6a58159 100644
--- a/app/models/champs/repetition_champ.rb
+++ b/app/models/champs/repetition_champ.rb
@@ -3,7 +3,13 @@ class Champs::RepetitionChamp < Champ
delegate :libelle_for_export, to: :type_de_champ
def rows
- champs.group_by(&:row_id).values
+ dossier
+ .champs_for_revision(scope: type_de_champ)
+ .group_by(&:row_id).values
+ end
+ def row_ids
+ rows.map { _1.first.row_id }
def add_row(revision)
@@ -35,13 +41,15 @@ class Champs::RepetitionChamp < Champ
def rows_for_export
- rows.each.with_index(1).map do |champs, index|
- Champs::RepetitionChamp::Row.new(index: index, dossier_id: dossier_id.to_s, champs: champs)
+ champs = dossier.champs_by_stable_id_with_row
+ row_ids.each.with_index(1).map do |row_id, index|
+ Champs::RepetitionChamp::Row.new(index: index, row_id:, dossier_id: dossier_id.to_s, champs:)
class Row < Hashie::Dash
property :index
+ property :row_id
property :dossier_id
property :champs
@@ -53,7 +61,7 @@ class Champs::RepetitionChamp < Champ
['Dossier ID', :dossier_id],
['Ligne', :index]
- ] + Dossier.champs_for_export(champs, types_de_champ)
+ ] + Dossier.champs_for_export(types_de_champ, champs, row_id)
diff --git a/app/models/concerns/dossier_clone_concern.rb b/app/models/concerns/dossier_clone_concern.rb
index b828b2071..000e6a6e5 100644
--- a/app/models/concerns/dossier_clone_concern.rb
+++ b/app/models/concerns/dossier_clone_concern.rb
@@ -42,10 +42,10 @@ module DossierCloneConcern
def make_diff(editing_fork)
- origin_champs_index = champs_public_all.index_by(&:stable_id_with_row)
- forked_champs_index = editing_fork.champs_public_all.index_by(&:stable_id_with_row)
+ origin_champs_index = champs_for_revision(scope: :public).index_by(&:stable_id_with_row)
+ forked_champs_index = editing_fork.champs_for_revision(scope: :public).index_by(&:stable_id_with_row)
updated_champs_index = editing_fork
- .champs_public_all
+ .champs_for_revision(scope: :public)
.filter { _1.updated_at > editing_fork.created_at }
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ module DossierCloneConcern
dossier_attributes += [:groupe_instructeur_id] if fork
relationships = [:individual, :etablissement]
- cloned_champs = champs
+ cloned_champs = champs_for_revision
.transform_values { [_1, _1.clone(fork)] }
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ module DossierCloneConcern
def apply_diff(diff)
- champs_index = (champs_public_all + diff[:added]).index_by(&:stable_id_with_row)
+ champs_index = (champs_for_revision(scope: :public) + diff[:added]).index_by(&:stable_id_with_row)
diff[:added].each do |champ|
if champ.child?
diff --git a/app/models/concerns/dossier_sections_concern.rb b/app/models/concerns/dossier_sections_concern.rb
index c36a1d619..4b3c9b646 100644
--- a/app/models/concerns/dossier_sections_concern.rb
+++ b/app/models/concerns/dossier_sections_concern.rb
@@ -6,11 +6,11 @@ module DossierSectionsConcern
@sections = Hash.new do |hash, parent|
case parent
when :public
- hash[parent] = champs_public.filter(&:header_section?)
+ hash[parent] = champs_for_revision(scope: :public, root: true).filter(&:header_section?)
when :private
- hash[parent] = champs_private.filter(&:header_section?)
+ hash[parent] = champs_for_revision(scope: :private, root: true).filter(&:header_section?)
- hash[parent] = parent.champs.filter(&:header_section?)
+ hash[parent] = champs_for_revision(scope: parent.type_de_champ).filter(&:header_section?)
@sections[champ.parent || (champ.public? ? :public : :private)]
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module DossierSectionsConcern
def index_for_section_header(champ)
- champs = champ.private? ? champs_private : champs_public
+ champs = champ.private? ? champs_for_revision(scope: :private, root: true) : champs_for_revision(scope: :public, root: true)
index = 1
champs.each do |c|
if c.repetition?
diff --git a/app/models/concerns/treeable_concern.rb b/app/models/concerns/treeable_concern.rb
index 81592eff7..174a54304 100644
--- a/app/models/concerns/treeable_concern.rb
+++ b/app/models/concerns/treeable_concern.rb
@@ -5,30 +5,30 @@ module TreeableConcern
# but a repetition can be nested an header_section, so 3+3=6=MAX_DEPTH
included do
- # as we progress in the list of ordered champs
+ # as we progress in the list of ordered types_de_champ
# we keep a reference to each level of nesting (walk)
# when we encounter an header_section, it depends of its own depth of nesting minus 1, ie:
# h1 belongs to prior (rooted_tree)
# h2 belongs to prior h1
# h3 belongs to prior h2
# h1 belongs to prior (rooted_tree)
- # then, each and every champs which are not an header_section
+ # then, each and every types_de_champ which are not an header_section
# are added to the current_tree
# given a root_depth at 0, we build a full tree
# given a root_depth > 0, we build a partial tree (aka, a repetition)
- def to_tree(champs:)
+ def to_tree(types_de_champ:)
rooted_tree = []
walk = Array.new(MAX_DEPTH)
walk[0] = rooted_tree
current_tree = rooted_tree
- champs.each do |champ|
- if champ.header_section?
- new_tree = [champ]
- walk[champ.header_section_level_value - 1].push(new_tree)
- current_tree = walk[champ.header_section_level_value] = new_tree
+ types_de_champ.each do |type_de_champ|
+ if type_de_champ.header_section?
+ new_tree = [type_de_champ]
+ walk[type_de_champ.header_section_level_value - 1].push(new_tree)
+ current_tree = walk[type_de_champ.header_section_level_value] = new_tree
- current_tree.push(champ)
+ current_tree.push(type_de_champ)
diff --git a/app/models/dossier.rb b/app/models/dossier.rb
index 8b9f18cdf..936b5e9a9 100644
--- a/app/models/dossier.rb
+++ b/app/models/dossier.rb
@@ -45,8 +45,8 @@ class Dossier < ApplicationRecord
# We have to remove champs in a particular order - champs with a reference to a parent have to be
# removed first, otherwise we get a foreign key constraint error.
has_many :champs_to_destroy, -> { order(:parent_id) }, class_name: 'Champ', inverse_of: false, dependent: :destroy
- has_many :champs_public, -> { root.public_ordered }, class_name: 'Champ', inverse_of: false
- has_many :champs_private, -> { root.private_ordered }, class_name: 'Champ', inverse_of: false
+ has_many :champs_public, -> { root.public_only }, class_name: 'Champ', inverse_of: false
+ has_many :champs_private, -> { root.private_only }, class_name: 'Champ', inverse_of: false
has_many :champs_public_all, -> { public_only }, class_name: 'Champ', inverse_of: false
has_many :champs_private_all, -> { private_only }, class_name: 'Champ', inverse_of: false
has_many :prefilled_champs_public, -> { root.public_only.prefilled }, class_name: 'Champ', inverse_of: false
@@ -610,7 +610,7 @@ class Dossier < ApplicationRecord
def any_etablissement_as_degraded_mode?
return true if etablissement&.as_degraded_mode?
- return true if champs_public_all.any? { _1.etablissement&.as_degraded_mode? }
+ return true if champs_for_revision(scope: :public).any? { _1.etablissement&.as_degraded_mode? }
@@ -1165,7 +1165,8 @@ class Dossier < ApplicationRecord
def check_mandatory_and_visible_champs
- (champs_public + champs_public.filter(&:block?).filter(&:visible?).flat_map(&:champs))
+ champs_for_revision(scope: :public)
+ .filter { _1.child? ? _1.parent.visible? : true }
.map do |champ|
@@ -1268,15 +1269,15 @@ class Dossier < ApplicationRecord
if procedure.routing_enabled?
columns << ['Groupe instructeur', groupe_instructeur.label]
- columns + self.class.champs_for_export(champs_public + champs_private, types_de_champ)
+ columns + self.class.champs_for_export(types_de_champ, champs_by_stable_id_with_row)
# Get all the champs values for the types de champ in the final list.
# Dossier might not have corresponding champ – display nil.
# To do so, we build a virtual champ when there is no value so we can call for_export with all indexes
- def self.champs_for_export(champs, types_de_champ)
+ def self.champs_for_export(types_de_champ, champs, row_id = nil)
types_de_champ.flat_map do |type_de_champ|
- champ = champs.find { |champ| champ.stable_id == type_de_champ.stable_id }
+ champ = champs[[row_id, type_de_champ.stable_id].compact]
exported_values = if champ.nil? || !champ.visible?
# some champs export multiple columns
@@ -1299,7 +1300,7 @@ class Dossier < ApplicationRecord
def linked_dossiers_for(instructeur_or_expert)
- dossier_ids = champs_public.filter(&:dossier_link?).filter_map(&:value)
+ dossier_ids = champs_for_revision.filter(&:dossier_link?).filter_map(&:value)
instructeur_or_expert.dossiers.where(id: dossier_ids)
@@ -1308,7 +1309,7 @@ class Dossier < ApplicationRecord
def geo_data?
- GeoArea.exists?(champ_id: champs_public.ids + champs_private.ids)
+ GeoArea.exists?(champ_id: champs_for_revision)
def to_feature_collection
@@ -1391,6 +1392,24 @@ class Dossier < ApplicationRecord
+ def champs_by_stable_id_with_row
+ champs_for_revision.index_by(&:stable_id_with_row)
+ end
+ def champs_for_revision(scope: nil, root: false)
+ champs_index = champs.group_by(&:stable_id)
+ if scope.is_a?(TypeDeChamp)
+ revision.children_of(scope)
+ else
+ revision.types_de_champ_for(scope:, root:)
+ end.flat_map { champs_index[_1.stable_id] || [] }
+ end
+ def has_annotations?
+ revision.revision_types_de_champ_private.present?
+ end
def create_missing_traitemets
@@ -1412,7 +1431,7 @@ class Dossier < ApplicationRecord
def geo_areas
- champs_public.flat_map(&:geo_areas) + champs_private.flat_map(&:geo_areas)
+ champs_for_revision.flat_map(&:geo_areas)
def bounding_box
diff --git a/app/models/dossier_preloader.rb b/app/models/dossier_preloader.rb
index f9a5b02ce..2f541ad93 100644
--- a/app/models/dossier_preloader.rb
+++ b/app/models/dossier_preloader.rb
@@ -118,9 +118,9 @@ class DossierPreloader
dossier.association(:champs_private_all).target += champs
- parent.association(name).target = champs.sort_by do |champ|
- [champ.row_id, positions[dossier.revision_id][champ.type_de_champ_id]]
- end
+ parent.association(name).target = champs
+ .filter { positions[dossier.revision_id][_1.type_de_champ_id].present? }
+ .sort_by { [_1.row_id, positions[dossier.revision_id][_1.type_de_champ_id]] }
# Load children champs
champs.filter(&:block?).each do |parent_champ|
diff --git a/app/models/procedure_revision.rb b/app/models/procedure_revision.rb
index 78714241a..ff9959f1e 100644
--- a/app/models/procedure_revision.rb
+++ b/app/models/procedure_revision.rb
@@ -155,6 +155,22 @@ class ProcedureRevision < ApplicationRecord
+ def types_de_champ_for(scope: nil, root: false)
+ # We return an unordered collection
+ return types_de_champ if !root && scope.nil?
+ return types_de_champ.filter { scope == :public ? _1.public? : _1.private? } if !root
+ # We return an ordered collection
+ case scope
+ when :public
+ types_de_champ_public
+ when :private
+ types_de_champ_private
+ else
+ types_de_champ_public + types_de_champ_private
+ end
+ end
def children_of(tdc)
if revision_types_de_champ.loaded?
parent_coordinate_id = revision_types_de_champ
diff --git a/app/models/type_de_champ.rb b/app/models/type_de_champ.rb
index 5b60124f0..87c5acba4 100644
--- a/app/models/type_de_champ.rb
+++ b/app/models/type_de_champ.rb
@@ -357,6 +357,10 @@ class TypeDeChamp < ApplicationRecord
type_champ == TypeDeChamp.type_champs.fetch(:drop_down_list)
+ def multiple_drop_down_list?
+ type_champ == TypeDeChamp.type_champs.fetch(:multiple_drop_down_list)
+ end
def linked_drop_down_list?
type_champ == TypeDeChamp.type_champs.fetch(:linked_drop_down_list)
diff --git a/app/serializers/champ_serializer.rb b/app/serializers/champ_serializer.rb
index 670979c81..003f611a5 100644
--- a/app/serializers/champ_serializer.rb
+++ b/app/serializers/champ_serializer.rb
@@ -36,8 +36,21 @@ class ChampSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
+ class Row < Hashie::Dash
+ property :index
+ property :champs
+ def read_attribute_for_serialization(attribute)
+ self[attribute]
+ end
+ end
def rows
- object.rows_for_export
+ object.dossier
+ .champs_for_revision(scope: object.type_de_champ)
+ .group_by(&:row_id)
+ .values
+ .map.with_index(1) { |champs, index| Row.new(index:, champs:) }
def include_etablissement?
diff --git a/app/services/procedure_archive_service.rb b/app/services/procedure_archive_service.rb
index 1025b1241..3ad452ebf 100644
--- a/app/services/procedure_archive_service.rb
+++ b/app/services/procedure_archive_service.rb
@@ -23,16 +23,6 @@ class ProcedureArchiveService
- def self.procedure_files_size(procedure)
- dossiers_files_size(procedure.dossiers)
- end
- def self.dossiers_files_size(dossiers)
- dossiers.map do |dossier|
- liste_pieces_justificatives_for_archive(dossier).sum(&:byte_size)
- end.sum
- end
def zip_root_folder(archive)
@@ -43,19 +33,4 @@ class ProcedureArchiveService
- def self.attachments_from_champs_piece_justificative(champs)
- champs
- .filter { |c| c.type_champ == TypeDeChamp.type_champs.fetch(:piece_justificative) }
- .map(&:piece_justificative_file)
- .filter(&:attached?)
- end
- def self.liste_pieces_justificatives_for_archive(dossier)
- champs_blocs_repetables = dossier.champs_public
- .filter { |c| c.type_champ == TypeDeChamp.type_champs.fetch(:repetition) }
- .flat_map(&:champs)
- attachments_from_champs_piece_justificative(champs_blocs_repetables + dossier.champs_public)
- end
diff --git a/app/services/procedure_export_service.rb b/app/services/procedure_export_service.rb
index 41390b740..75eab89e8 100644
--- a/app/services/procedure_export_service.rb
+++ b/app/services/procedure_export_service.rb
@@ -90,9 +90,7 @@ class ProcedureExportService
def etablissements
@etablissements ||= dossiers.flat_map do |dossier|
- [dossier.champs_public, dossier.champs_private]
- .flatten
- .filter { |champ| champ.is_a?(Champs::SiretChamp) }
+ dossier.champs.filter { _1.is_a?(Champs::SiretChamp) }
end.filter_map(&:etablissement) + dossiers.filter_map(&:etablissement)
@@ -102,7 +100,7 @@ class ProcedureExportService
def champs_repetables_options
champs_by_stable_id = dossiers
- .flat_map { |dossier| (dossier.champs_public + dossier.champs_private).filter(&:repetition?) }
+ .flat_map { _1.champs.filter(&:repetition?) }
diff --git a/app/views/administrateurs/procedures/apercu.html.haml b/app/views/administrateurs/procedures/apercu.html.haml
index aa55c2b81..5941fdbb4 100644
--- a/app/views/administrateurs/procedures/apercu.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/administrateurs/procedures/apercu.html.haml
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
= tab_item('le dossier',
apercu_admin_procedure_path(@dossier.procedure, tab: 'dossier'),
active: @tab == 'dossier')
- - if @dossier.champs_private.size > 0
+ - if @dossier.has_annotations?
= tab_item('les annotations privées',
apercu_admin_procedure_path(@dossier.procedure, tab: 'annotations-privees'),
active: @tab == 'annotations-privees')
diff --git a/app/views/champs/repetition/add.turbo_stream.haml b/app/views/champs/repetition/add.turbo_stream.haml
index 33ceb8aee..c2c01cabc 100644
--- a/app/views/champs/repetition/add.turbo_stream.haml
+++ b/app/views/champs/repetition/add.turbo_stream.haml
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
-- if @champs.present?
+- if @row_id.present?
= fields_for @champ.input_name, @champ do |form|
- = turbo_stream.append dom_id(@champ, :rows), render(EditableChamp::RepetitionRowComponent.new(form: form, champ: @champ, row: @champs))
- - first_champ_id = @champs.map(&:focusable_input_id).compact.first
- - if first_champ_id
- = turbo_stream.focus(first_champ_id)
+ = turbo_stream.append dom_id(@champ, :rows), render(EditableChamp::RepetitionRowComponent.new(form: form, champ: @champ, row_id: @row_id))
+ - if @first_champ_id
+ = turbo_stream.focus(@first_champ_id)
diff --git a/app/views/dossiers/show.pdf.prawn b/app/views/dossiers/show.pdf.prawn
index cde96074b..eaf32db3b 100644
--- a/app/views/dossiers/show.pdf.prawn
+++ b/app/views/dossiers/show.pdf.prawn
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ prawn_document(page_size: "A4") do |pdf|
add_title(pdf, 'Formulaire')
add_champs(pdf, @dossier.champs_public)
- if @acls[:include_infos_administration] && @dossier.champs_private.present?
+ if @acls[:include_infos_administration] && @dossier.has_annotations?
add_title(pdf, "Annotations privées")
add_champs(pdf, @dossier.champs_private)
diff --git a/app/views/instructeurs/dossiers/print.html.haml b/app/views/instructeurs/dossiers/print.html.haml
index e653ee157..57815b73f 100644
--- a/app/views/instructeurs/dossiers/print.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/instructeurs/dossiers/print.html.haml
@@ -13,15 +13,15 @@
%h2 Formulaire
-- champs = @dossier.champs_public
-- if champs.any? || @dossier.procedure.routing_enabled?
- = render partial: "shared/dossiers/champs", locals: { champs: champs, dossier: @dossier, demande_seen_at: nil, profile: 'instructeur' }
+- types_de_champ_public = @dossier.revision.types_de_champ_public
+- if types_de_champ_public.any? || @dossier.procedure.routing_enabled?
+ = render partial: "shared/dossiers/champs", locals: { types_de_champ: types_de_champ_public, dossier: @dossier, demande_seen_at: nil, profile: 'instructeur' }
%h2 Annotations privées
-- champs_annotations_privees = @dossier.champs_private
-- if champs_annotations_privees.any?
- = render partial: "shared/dossiers/champs", locals: { champs: champs_annotations_privees, dossier: @dossier, demande_seen_at: nil, profile: 'instructeur' }
+- types_de_champ_private = @dossier.revision.types_de_champ_private
+- if types_de_champ_private.any?
+ = render partial: "shared/dossiers/champs", locals: { types_de_champ: types_de_champ_private, dossier: @dossier, demande_seen_at: nil, profile: 'instructeur' }
- else
Aucune annotation privée
diff --git a/app/views/root/patron.html.haml b/app/views/root/patron.html.haml
index c9450f713..4316dfcef 100644
--- a/app/views/root/patron.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/root/patron.html.haml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
= form_for @dossier, url: '', html: { class: 'form' } do |f|
- = render EditableChamp::SectionComponent.new(champs: @dossier.champs_public)
+ = render EditableChamp::SectionComponent.new(types_de_champ: @dossier.revision.types_de_champ_public, champs_by_stable_id_with_row: @dossier.champs_by_stable_id_with_row)
%label Mot de passe
@@ -331,7 +331,7 @@
%h1.fr-mt-4w Attachment::EditComponent
%span.fr-hint-text Note: direct upload, suppression ne marchent pas comme attendu ici.
- - champ = @dossier.champs_public.find { _1.type_champ == TypeDeChamp.type_champs.fetch(:piece_justificative) }
+ - champ = @dossier.champs.find { _1.type_champ == TypeDeChamp.type_champs.fetch(:piece_justificative) }
- tdc = champ.type_de_champ
- avis = Avis.new
diff --git a/app/views/shared/dossiers/_champs.html.haml b/app/views/shared/dossiers/_champs.html.haml
index 80f2cebed..3320f7ca8 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/dossiers/_champs.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/shared/dossiers/_champs.html.haml
@@ -1 +1 @@
-= render ViewableChamp::SectionComponent.new(champs: champs, demande_seen_at: demande_seen_at, profile: profile)
+= render ViewableChamp::SectionComponent.new(types_de_champ:, champs_by_stable_id_with_row: dossier.champs_by_stable_id_with_row, demande_seen_at:, profile:)
diff --git a/app/views/shared/dossiers/_demande.html.haml b/app/views/shared/dossiers/_demande.html.haml
index 529242842..57b4bf49b 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/dossiers/_demande.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/shared/dossiers/_demande.html.haml
@@ -51,6 +51,6 @@
.flex-grow.fr-py-3v.fr-px-2w= t('views.shared.dossiers.demande.form')
- - champs = dossier.champs_public
- - if champs.any? || dossier.procedure.routing_enabled?
- = render partial: "shared/dossiers/champs", locals: { champs: champs, dossier: dossier, demande_seen_at: demande_seen_at, profile: profile }
+ - types_de_champ = dossier.revision.types_de_champ_public
+ - if types_de_champ.any? || dossier.procedure.routing_enabled?
+ = render partial: "shared/dossiers/champs", locals: { types_de_champ:, dossier:, demande_seen_at:, profile: }
diff --git a/app/views/shared/dossiers/_edit.html.haml b/app/views/shared/dossiers/_edit.html.haml
index 1bb72da93..90379bb1d 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/dossiers/_edit.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/shared/dossiers/_edit.html.haml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
= render Procedure::NoticeComponent.new(procedure: dossier.procedure)
- = render EditableChamp::SectionComponent.new(champs: dossier_for_editing.champs_public)
+ = render EditableChamp::SectionComponent.new(types_de_champ: dossier_for_editing.revision.types_de_champ_public, champs_by_stable_id_with_row: dossier_for_editing.champs_by_stable_id_with_row)
= render Dossiers::PendingCorrectionCheckboxComponent.new(dossier: dossier)
diff --git a/app/views/shared/dossiers/_edit_annotations.html.haml b/app/views/shared/dossiers/_edit_annotations.html.haml
index 5dfaefff0..7cef69996 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/dossiers/_edit_annotations.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/shared/dossiers/_edit_annotations.html.haml
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
- - if dossier.champs_private.present?
+ - if dossier.has_annotations?
= render NestedForms::FormOwnerComponent.new
= form_for dossier, url: annotations_instructeur_dossier_path(dossier.procedure, dossier), html: { class: 'form', multipart: true } do |f|
- = render EditableChamp::SectionComponent.new(champs: dossier.champs_private)
+ = render EditableChamp::SectionComponent.new(types_de_champ: dossier.revision.types_de_champ_private, champs_by_stable_id_with_row: dossier.champs_by_stable_id_with_row)
= render Dossiers::EditFooterComponent.new(dossier: dossier, annotation: true)
- else
diff --git a/spec/components/editable_champ/section_component_spec.rb b/spec/components/editable_champ/section_component_spec.rb
index da5283530..f3f474297 100644
--- a/spec/components/editable_champ/section_component_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/components/editable_champ/section_component_spec.rb
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
describe EditableChamp::SectionComponent, type: :component do
include TreeableConcern
- let(:component) { described_class.new(champs: champs) }
+ let(:types_de_champ) { champs.map(&:type_de_champ) }
+ let(:champs_by_stable_id_with_row) { champs.index_by(&:stable_id_with_row) }
+ let(:component) { described_class.new(types_de_champ:, champs_by_stable_id_with_row:) }
before { render_inline(component).to_html }
context 'list of champs without an header_section' do
@@ -98,6 +100,7 @@ describe EditableChamp::SectionComponent, type: :component do
let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :with_populated_champs, procedure: procedure) }
let(:champs) { dossier.champs_public }
+ let(:champs_by_stable_id_with_row) { dossier.champs_by_stable_id_with_row }
it 'render nested fieldsets, increase heading level for repetition header_section' do
expect(page).to have_selector("fieldset")
diff --git a/spec/factories/dossier.rb b/spec/factories/dossier.rb
index f934364bf..bf387fe6c 100644
--- a/spec/factories/dossier.rb
+++ b/spec/factories/dossier.rb
@@ -280,7 +280,13 @@ FactoryBot.define do
after(:create) do |dossier, _evaluator|
dossier.champs_to_destroy.where(private: false).destroy_all
dossier.types_de_champ.each do |type_de_champ|
- create(:"champ_#{type_de_champ.type_champ}", dossier:, type_de_champ:)
+ if type_de_champ.simple_drop_down_list?
+ create(:"champ_#{type_de_champ.type_champ}", dossier:, type_de_champ:, value: type_de_champ.drop_down_list_enabled_non_empty_options.first)
+ elsif type_de_champ.multiple_drop_down_list?
+ create(:"champ_#{type_de_champ.type_champ}", dossier:, type_de_champ:, value: type_de_champ.drop_down_list_enabled_non_empty_options.first(2).to_json)
+ else
+ create(:"champ_#{type_de_champ.type_champ}", dossier:, type_de_champ:)
+ end
@@ -290,7 +296,13 @@ FactoryBot.define do
after(:create) do |dossier, _evaluator|
dossier.champs_to_destroy.where(private: true).destroy_all
dossier.types_de_champ_private.each do |type_de_champ|
- create(:"champ_#{type_de_champ.type_champ}", private: true, dossier:, type_de_champ:)
+ if type_de_champ.simple_drop_down_list?
+ create(:"champ_#{type_de_champ.type_champ}", private: true, dossier:, type_de_champ:, value: type_de_champ.drop_down_list_enabled_non_empty_options.first)
+ elsif type_de_champ.multiple_drop_down_list?
+ create(:"champ_#{type_de_champ.type_champ}", private: true, dossier:, type_de_champ:, value: type_de_champ.drop_down_list_enabled_non_empty_options.first(2).to_json)
+ else
+ create(:"champ_#{type_de_champ.type_champ}", private: true, dossier:, type_de_champ:)
+ end
diff --git a/spec/factories/procedure.rb b/spec/factories/procedure.rb
index 6d3b76c6e..10dbffecf 100644
--- a/spec/factories/procedure.rb
+++ b/spec/factories/procedure.rb
@@ -300,7 +300,13 @@ def build_types_de_champ(types_de_champ, revision:, scope: :public, parent: nil)
if type.in?([:drop_down_list, :multiple_drop_down_list, :linked_drop_down_list])
- type_de_champ_attributes[:drop_down_list_value] = options.join("\r\n")
+ if options.delete(:short).present?
+ type_de_champ_attributes[:drop_down_list_value] = "val1\r\nval2\r\n--separateur--\r\nval3"
+ elsif options.delete(:long).present?
+ type_de_champ_attributes[:drop_down_list_value] = "alpha\r\nbravo\r\n--separateur--\r\ncharly\r\ndelta\r\necho\r\nfox-trot\r\ngolf"
+ else
+ type_de_champ_attributes[:drop_down_list_value] = options.join("\r\n")
+ end
diff --git a/spec/lib/recovery/align_champ_with_dossier_revision_spec.rb b/spec/lib/recovery/align_champ_with_dossier_revision_spec.rb
index 67f966787..a708b2916 100644
--- a/spec/lib/recovery/align_champ_with_dossier_revision_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/recovery/align_champ_with_dossier_revision_spec.rb
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ describe Recovery::AlignChampWithDossierRevision do
expect(procedure.revisions.size).to eq(3)
expect(bad_dossier.revision).to eq(procedure.published_revision)
expect(bad_dossier.champs.size).to eq(2)
- expect(bad_dossier.champs_public.size).to eq(1)
- expect { DossierPreloader.load_one(bad_dossier) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ expect(bad_dossier.champs_public.size).to eq(2)
+ expect { DossierPreloader.load_one(bad_dossier) }.not_to raise_error
fixer = Recovery::AlignChampWithDossierRevision.new(Dossier)
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ describe Recovery::AlignChampWithDossierRevision do
expect(bad_dossier.revision).to eq(procedure.published_revision)
expect(bad_dossier.champs.size).to eq(2)
expect(bad_dossier.champs_public.size).to eq(2)
- expect { DossierPreloader.load_one(bad_dossier) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ expect { DossierPreloader.load_one(bad_dossier) }.not_to raise_error
fixer = Recovery::AlignChampWithDossierRevision.new(Dossier)
fixer.run(destroy_extra_champs: true)
diff --git a/spec/lib/recovery/revision_life_cycle_spec.rb b/spec/lib/recovery/revision_life_cycle_spec.rb
index eb4c5e966..35cf0f9f3 100644
--- a/spec/lib/recovery/revision_life_cycle_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/lib/recovery/revision_life_cycle_spec.rb
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@ describe 'Recovery::Revision::LifeCycle' do
it do
- expect { DossierPreloader.load_one(dossier) }.to raise_error(ArgumentError)
+ expect { DossierPreloader.load_one(dossier) }.not_to raise_error(ArgumentError)
expect(dossier.champs_public.size).to eq(1)
expect(dossier.champs.size).to eq(2)
- expect { DossierPreloader.load_one(dossier) }.not_to raise_error
+ expect { DossierPreloader.load_one(dossier) }.not_to raise_error(ArgumentError)
expect(dossier.champs_public.size).to eq(2)
diff --git a/spec/models/champ_spec.rb b/spec/models/champ_spec.rb
index 9ba045034..ca7e32bc2 100644
--- a/spec/models/champ_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/champ_spec.rb
@@ -83,11 +83,6 @@ describe Champ do
expect(public_sections).not_to be_empty
expect(private_sections).not_to be_empty
expect(sections_in_repetition).not_to be_empty
- expect(public_champ.sections).to eq(public_sections)
- expect(private_champ.sections).to eq(private_sections)
- expect(champ_in_repetition.sections).to eq(sections_in_repetition)
- expect(standalone_champ.sections).to eq([])
diff --git a/spec/models/champs/header_section_champ_spec.rb b/spec/models/champs/header_section_champ_spec.rb
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e3cbee4c..000000000
--- a/spec/models/champs/header_section_champ_spec.rb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-describe Champs::HeaderSectionChamp do
- describe '#section_index' do
- let(:types_de_champ) do
- [
- { type: :header_section },
- { type: :civilite },
- { type: :text },
- { type: :header_section },
- { type: :email }
- ]
- end
- let(:types_de_champ_public) { types_de_champ }
- let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, types_de_champ_public: types_de_champ_public) }
- let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure) }
- context 'for root-level champs' do
- let(:first_header) { dossier.champs_public.first }
- let(:second_header) { dossier.champs_public.fourth }
- it 'returns the index of the section (starting from 1)' do
- expect(first_header.section_index).to eq 1
- expect(second_header.section_index).to eq 2
- end
- end
- context 'for repetition champs' do
- let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :repetition, mandatory: true, children: types_de_champ }] }
- let(:first_header) { dossier.champs_public.first.champs.first }
- let(:second_header) { dossier.champs_public.first.champs.fourth }
- it 'returns the index of the section in the repetition (starting from 1)' do
- expect(first_header.section_index).to eq 1
- expect(second_header.section_index).to eq 2
- end
- end
- end
diff --git a/spec/models/concern/dossier_clone_concern_spec.rb b/spec/models/concern/dossier_clone_concern_spec.rb
index e91674b51..6d6c6beb2 100644
--- a/spec/models/concern/dossier_clone_concern_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/concern/dossier_clone_concern_spec.rb
@@ -1,20 +1,23 @@
RSpec.describe DossierCloneConcern do
let(:procedure) do
- create(:procedure, types_de_champ_public: [
+ create(:procedure, types_de_champ_public:, types_de_champ_private:).tap(&:publish!)
+ end
+ let(:types_de_champ_public) do
+ [
{ type: :text, libelle: "Un champ text", stable_id: 99 },
{ type: :text, libelle: "Un autre champ text", stable_id: 991 },
{ type: :yes_no, libelle: "Un champ yes no", stable_id: 992 },
{ type: :repetition, libelle: "Un champ répétable", stable_id: 993, mandatory: true, children: [{ type: :text, libelle: 'Nom', stable_id: 994 }] }
- ])
+ ]
+ let(:types_de_champ_private) { [] }
let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, procedure:) }
let(:forked_dossier) { dossier.find_or_create_editing_fork(dossier.user) }
- before { procedure.publish! }
describe '#clone' do
- let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :with_type_de_champ, :with_type_de_champ_private) }
- let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure) }
+ let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, :with_populated_champs, procedure:) }
+ let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{}] }
+ let(:types_de_champ_private) { [{}] }
let(:fork) { false }
let(:new_dossier) { dossier.clone(fork:) }
@@ -137,9 +140,9 @@ RSpec.describe DossierCloneConcern do
context 'for Champs::PieceJustificative, original_champ.piece_justificative_file is duped' do
- let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) }
- let(:champ_piece_justificative) { create(:champ_piece_justificative, dossier_id: dossier.id) }
- before { dossier.champs_public << champ_piece_justificative }
+ let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :piece_justificative }] }
+ let(:champ_piece_justificative) { dossier.champs_public.first }
it { expect(Champs::PieceJustificativeChamp.where(dossier: new_dossier).first.piece_justificative_file.first.blob).to eq(champ_piece_justificative.piece_justificative_file.first.blob) }
@@ -181,8 +184,8 @@ RSpec.describe DossierCloneConcern do
it { expect(new_dossier.champs_public[0].updated_at).to eq(dossier.champs_public[0].updated_at) }
context "piece justificative champ" do
- let(:champ_pj) { create(:champ_piece_justificative, dossier_id: dossier.id) }
- before { dossier.champs_public << champ_pj.reload }
+ let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :piece_justificative }] }
+ let(:champ_pj) { dossier.champs_public.first }
it {
champ_pj_fork = Champs::PieceJustificativeChamp.where(dossier: new_dossier).first
diff --git a/spec/models/concern/dossier_rebase_concern_spec.rb b/spec/models/concern/dossier_rebase_concern_spec.rb
index 795e8afc4..18ae80782 100644
--- a/spec/models/concern/dossier_rebase_concern_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/concern/dossier_rebase_concern_spec.rb
@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ describe DossierRebaseConcern do
let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure) }
- def champ_libelles = dossier.champs_public.map(&:libelle)
+ def champ_libelles = dossier.revision.types_de_champ_public.map(&:libelle)
context 'when a tdc is added in the middle' do
before do
@@ -639,7 +639,7 @@ describe DossierRebaseConcern do
tdc_to_update.update(type_champ: :integer_number)
- it { expect { subject }.to change { dossier.champs_public.map(&:type_champ) }.from(['text', 'text']).to(['integer_number', 'text']) }
+ it { expect { subject }.to change { dossier.revision.types_de_champ_public.map(&:type_champ) }.from(['text', 'text']).to(['integer_number', 'text']) }
it { expect { subject }.to change { first_champ.class }.from(Champs::TextChamp).to(Champs::IntegerNumberChamp) }
it { expect { subject }.to change { first_champ.value }.from('v1').to(nil) }
it { expect { subject }.to change { first_champ.external_id }.from('123').to(nil) }
@@ -667,7 +667,8 @@ describe DossierRebaseConcern do
let!(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure) }
let(:repetition) { procedure.draft_revision.types_de_champ.find(&:repetition?) }
- def child_libelles = dossier.champs_public.first.champs.map(&:libelle)
+ def child_libelles = dossier.revision.revision_types_de_champ_public.first.revision_types_de_champ.map(&:libelle)
+ def child_types_champ = dossier.revision.revision_types_de_champ_public.first.revision_types_de_champ.map(&:type_champ)
context 'when a child tdc is added in the middle' do
before do
@@ -708,7 +709,7 @@ describe DossierRebaseConcern do
tdc_to_update.update(type_champ: :integer_number)
- it { expect { subject }.to change { dossier.champs_public.first.champs.map(&:type_champ) }.from(['text', 'text']).to(['integer_number', 'text']) }
+ it { expect { subject }.to change { child_types_champ }.from(['text', 'text']).to(['integer_number', 'text']) }
context 'when the parents type is changed' do
diff --git a/spec/models/concern/treeable_concern_spec.rb b/spec/models/concern/treeable_concern_spec.rb
index d3f12d5d9..674720e92 100644
--- a/spec/models/concern/treeable_concern_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/concern/treeable_concern_spec.rb
@@ -3,35 +3,35 @@ describe TreeableConcern do
include TreeableConcern
attr_reader :root
- def initialize(champs:)
- @root = to_tree(champs:)
+ def initialize(types_de_champ:)
+ @root = to_tree(types_de_champ:)
- subject { ChampsToTree.new(champs: champs).root }
+ subject { ChampsToTree.new(types_de_champ:).root }
describe "to_tree" do
- let(:header_1) { build(:champ_header_section_level_1) }
- let(:header_1_2) { build(:champ_header_section_level_2) }
- let(:header_2) { build(:champ_header_section_level_1) }
- let(:champ_text) { build(:champ_text) }
- let(:champ_textarea) { build(:champ_textarea) }
- let(:champ_explication) { build(:champ_explication) }
- let(:champ_communes) { build(:champ_communes) }
+ let(:header_1) { build(:champ_header_section_level_1).type_de_champ }
+ let(:header_1_2) { build(:champ_header_section_level_2).type_de_champ }
+ let(:header_2) { build(:champ_header_section_level_1).type_de_champ }
+ let(:champ_text) { build(:champ_text).type_de_champ }
+ let(:champ_textarea) { build(:champ_textarea).type_de_champ }
+ let(:champ_explication) { build(:champ_explication).type_de_champ }
+ let(:champ_communes) { build(:champ_communes).type_de_champ }
context 'without section' do
- let(:champs) do
+ let(:types_de_champ) do
champ_text, champ_textarea
it 'inlines champs at root level' do
- expect(subject.size).to eq(champs.size)
- expect(subject).to eq(champs)
+ expect(subject.size).to eq(types_de_champ.size)
+ expect(subject).to eq(types_de_champ)
context 'with header_section and champs' do
- let(:champs) do
+ let(:types_de_champ) do
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ describe TreeableConcern do
context 'leading champs, and in between sections only' do
- let(:champs) do
+ let(:types_de_champ) do
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ describe TreeableConcern do
context 'with one sub sections' do
- let(:champs) do
+ let(:types_de_champ) do
@@ -94,11 +94,11 @@ describe TreeableConcern do
context 'with consecutive subsection' do
- let(:header_1) { build(:champ_header_section_level_1) }
- let(:header_1_2_1) { build(:champ_header_section_level_2) }
- let(:header_1_2_2) { build(:champ_header_section_level_2) }
- let(:header_1_2_3) { build(:champ_header_section_level_2) }
- let(:champs) do
+ let(:header_1) { build(:champ_header_section_level_1).type_de_champ }
+ let(:header_1_2_1) { build(:champ_header_section_level_2).type_de_champ }
+ let(:header_1_2_2) { build(:champ_header_section_level_2).type_de_champ }
+ let(:header_1_2_3) { build(:champ_header_section_level_2).type_de_champ }
+ let(:types_de_champ) do
@@ -123,9 +123,9 @@ describe TreeableConcern do
context 'with one sub sections and one subsub section' do
- let(:header_1_2_3) { build(:champ_header_section_level_3) }
+ let(:header_1_2_3) { build(:champ_header_section_level_3).type_de_champ }
- let(:champs) do
+ let(:types_de_champ) do
diff --git a/spec/models/dossier_spec.rb b/spec/models/dossier_spec.rb
index 466c5aba4..94d205a90 100644
--- a/spec/models/dossier_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/dossier_spec.rb
@@ -357,26 +357,6 @@ describe Dossier, type: :model do
- describe '#champs' do
- let(:procedure) { create(:procedure) }
- let!(:tdc_1) { create(:type_de_champ, libelle: 'l1', position: 1, procedure: procedure) }
- let!(:tdc_3) { create(:type_de_champ, libelle: 'l3', position: 3, procedure: procedure) }
- let!(:tdc_2) { create(:type_de_champ, libelle: 'l2', position: 2, procedure: procedure) }
- let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure) }
- it { expect(dossier.champs_public.pluck(:libelle)).to match(['l1', 'l2', 'l3']) }
- end
- describe '#champs_private' do
- let(:procedure) { create(:procedure) }
- let!(:tdc_1) { create(:type_de_champ, :private, libelle: 'l1', position: 1, procedure: procedure) }
- let!(:tdc_3) { create(:type_de_champ, :private, libelle: 'l3', position: 3, procedure: procedure) }
- let!(:tdc_2) { create(:type_de_champ, :private, libelle: 'l2', position: 2, procedure: procedure) }
- let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure) }
- it { expect(dossier.champs_private.pluck(:libelle)).to match(['l1', 'l2', 'l3']) }
- end
describe "#text_summary" do
let(:service) { create(:service, nom: 'nom du service') }
let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, libelle: "Démarche", organisation: "Organisme", service: service) }
@@ -1540,10 +1520,10 @@ describe Dossier, type: :model do
context "with mandatory SIRET champ" do
let(:type_de_champ) { { type: :siret, mandatory: true } }
- let(:champ_siret) { dossier.champs_public.first }
+ let(:champ_siret) { dossier.champs.first }
before do
- champ_siret.value = '44011762001530'
+ champ_siret.update(value: '44011762001530')
it 'should not have errors' do
@@ -1776,6 +1756,7 @@ describe Dossier, type: :model do
it "should solve N+1 problem" do
dossier.champs_public << create_list(:champ_carte, 3, type_de_champ: type_de_champ_carte, geo_areas: [create(:geo_area)])
+ dossier.champs_for_revision
count = 0
@@ -1928,9 +1909,9 @@ describe Dossier, type: :model do
let(:repetition_second_revision_champ) { dossier_second_revision.champs_public.find(&:repetition?) }
let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure) }
let(:dossier_second_revision) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure) }
- let(:dossier_champs_for_export) { Dossier.champs_for_export(dossier.champs_public, procedure.types_de_champ_for_procedure_presentation.not_repetition) }
- let(:dossier_second_revision_champs_for_export) { Dossier.champs_for_export(dossier_second_revision.champs_public, procedure.types_de_champ_for_procedure_presentation.not_repetition) }
- let(:repetition_second_revision_champs_for_export) { Dossier.champs_for_export(repetition_second_revision_champ.champs, procedure.types_de_champ_for_procedure_presentation.repetition) }
+ let(:dossier_champs_for_export) { Dossier.champs_for_export(procedure.types_de_champ_for_procedure_presentation.not_repetition, dossier.champs_by_stable_id_with_row) }
+ let(:dossier_second_revision_champs_for_export) { Dossier.champs_for_export(procedure.types_de_champ_for_procedure_presentation.not_repetition, dossier_second_revision.champs_by_stable_id_with_row) }
+ let(:repetition_second_revision_champs_for_export) { Dossier.champs_for_export(procedure.types_de_champ_for_procedure_presentation.repetition, dossier.champs_by_stable_id_with_row) }
context "when procedure published" do
before do
@@ -1968,7 +1949,7 @@ describe Dossier, type: :model do
repetition = proc_test.types_de_champ_for_procedure_presentation.repetition.first
type_champs = proc_test.types_de_champ_for_procedure_presentation(repetition).to_a
expect(type_champs.size).to eq(1)
- expect(Dossier.champs_for_export(dossier.champs_public, type_champs).size).to eq(3)
+ expect(Dossier.champs_for_export(type_champs, dossier.champs_by_stable_id_with_row).size).to eq(3)
@@ -1991,7 +1972,7 @@ describe Dossier, type: :model do
let(:text_tdc) { procedure.active_revision.types_de_champ_public.second }
let(:tdcs) { dossier.champs_public.map(&:type_de_champ) }
- subject { Dossier.champs_for_export(dossier.champs_public, tdcs) }
+ subject { Dossier.champs_for_export(tdcs, dossier.champs_by_stable_id_with_row) }
before do
text_tdc.update(condition: ds_eq(champ_value(yes_no_tdc.stable_id), constant(true)))
diff --git a/spec/models/types_de_champ/prefill_repetition_type_de_champ_spec.rb b/spec/models/types_de_champ/prefill_repetition_type_de_champ_spec.rb
index c02a7cf15..123b9f099 100644
--- a/spec/models/types_de_champ/prefill_repetition_type_de_champ_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/types_de_champ/prefill_repetition_type_de_champ_spec.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
RSpec.describe TypesDeChamp::PrefillRepetitionTypeDeChamp, type: :model do
- let(:procedure) { create(:procedure) }
- let(:type_de_champ) { build(:type_de_champ_repetition, :with_types_de_champ, :with_region_types_de_champ, procedure: procedure) }
- let(:champ) { create(:champ_repetition, type_de_champ: type_de_champ) }
+ let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, types_de_champ_public: [{ type: :repetition, children: [{}, { type: :integer_number }, { type: :regions }] }]) }
+ let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure) }
+ let(:type_de_champ) { champ.type_de_champ }
+ let(:champ) { dossier.champs.first }
let(:prefillable_subchamps) { TypesDeChamp::PrefillRepetitionTypeDeChamp.new(type_de_champ, procedure.active_revision).send(:prefillable_subchamps) }
let(:text_repetition) { prefillable_subchamps.first }
let(:integer_repetition) { prefillable_subchamps.second }
diff --git a/spec/views/shared/dossiers/_champs.html.haml_spec.rb b/spec/views/shared/dossiers/_champs.html.haml_spec.rb
index 441ab1a4c..322c80db0 100644
--- a/spec/views/shared/dossiers/_champs.html.haml_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/views/shared/dossiers/_champs.html.haml_spec.rb
@@ -2,6 +2,9 @@ describe 'shared/dossiers/champs', type: :view do
let(:instructeur) { create(:instructeur) }
let(:demande_seen_at) { nil }
let(:profile) { "instructeur" }
+ let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, types_de_champ_public:) }
+ let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :with_populated_champs, procedure:) }
+ let(:types_de_champ) { dossier.revision.types_de_champ_public }
before do
view.extend DossierHelper
@@ -12,17 +15,23 @@ describe 'shared/dossiers/champs', type: :view do
- subject { render 'shared/dossiers/champs', champs:, dossier:, demande_seen_at:, profile: }
+ subject { render 'shared/dossiers/champs', types_de_champ:, dossier:, demande_seen_at:, profile: }
context "there are some champs" do
- let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) }
- let(:champ1) { create(:champ_checkbox, dossier: dossier, value: 'true') }
- let(:champ2) { create(:champ_header_section, dossier: dossier, value: "Section") }
- let(:champ3) { create(:champ_explication, dossier: dossier, value: "mazette") }
- let(:champ4) { create(:champ_dossier_link, dossier: dossier, value: dossier.id) }
- let(:champ5) { create(:champ_textarea, dossier: dossier, value: "Some long text in a textarea.") }
- let(:champ6) { create(:champ_rna, value: "W173847273") }
- let(:champs) { [champ1, champ2, champ3, champ4, champ5, champ6] }
+ let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :checkbox }, { type: :header_section }, { type: :explication }, { type: :dossier_link }, { type: :textarea }, { type: :rna }] }
+ let(:champ1) { dossier.champs[0] }
+ let(:champ2) { dossier.champs[1] }
+ let(:champ3) { dossier.champs[2] }
+ let(:champ4) { dossier.champs[3] }
+ let(:champ5) { dossier.champs[4] }
+ let(:champ6) { dossier.champs[5] }
+ before do
+ champ1.update(value: 'true')
+ champ4.update(value: dossier.id)
+ champ5.update(value: "Some long text in a textarea.")
+ champ6.update(value: "W173847273")
+ end
it "renders titles and values of champs" do
expect(subject).to include(champ1.libelle)
@@ -41,26 +50,34 @@ describe 'shared/dossiers/champs', type: :view do
it "doesn't render explication champs" do
expect(subject).not_to include(champ3.libelle)
- expect(subject).not_to include(champ3.value)
+ end
+ end
+ context "with auto-link" do
+ let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :text }, { type: :textarea }] }
+ let(:champ1) { dossier.champs[0] }
+ let(:champ2) { dossier.champs[1] }
+ before do
+ champ1.update(value: 'https://github.com/tchak')
+ champ2.update(value: "https://github.com/LeSim")
- context "with auto-link" do
- let(:champ1) { create(:champ_text, value: "https://github.com/tchak") }
- let(:champ2) { create(:champ_textarea, value: "https://github.com/LeSim") }
- let(:link1) { 'https://github.com/tchak' }
- let(:link2) { 'https://github.com/LeSim' }
+ let(:link1) { 'https://github.com/tchak' }
+ let(:link2) { 'https://github.com/LeSim' }
- it "render links" do
- expect(subject).to include(link1)
- expect(subject).to include(link2)
- end
+ it "render links" do
+ expect(subject).to include(link1)
+ expect(subject).to include(link2)
context "with a dossier champ, but we are not authorized to acces the dossier" do
- let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) }
- let(:champ) { create(:champ_dossier_link, dossier: dossier, value: dossier.id) }
- let(:champs) { [champ] }
+ let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :dossier_link }] }
+ before do
+ dossier.champs.first.update(value: dossier.id)
+ end
it { is_expected.not_to have_link("Dossier nº #{dossier.id}") }
it { is_expected.to include("Dossier nº #{dossier.id}") }
@@ -68,9 +85,11 @@ describe 'shared/dossiers/champs', type: :view do
context "with a dossier_link champ but without value" do
- let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) }
- let(:champ) { create(:champ_dossier_link, dossier: dossier, value: nil) }
- let(:champs) { [champ] }
+ let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :dossier_link }] }
+ before do
+ dossier.champs.first.update(value: nil)
+ end
it { is_expected.not_to include("non saisi") }
@@ -81,9 +100,11 @@ describe 'shared/dossiers/champs', type: :view do
context "with a piece justificative without value" do
- let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) }
- let(:champ) { create(:champ_without_piece_justificative, dossier:) }
- let(:champs) { [champ] }
+ let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :piece_justificative }] }
+ before do
+ dossier.champs.first.piece_justificative_file.purge
+ end
it { is_expected.not_to include("pièce justificative non saisie") }
@@ -94,9 +115,9 @@ describe 'shared/dossiers/champs', type: :view do
context "with seen_at" do
- let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, depose_at: 1.day.ago) }
- let(:champ1) { create(:champ_checkbox, dossier: dossier, value: 'true') }
- let(:champs) { [champ1] }
+ let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :checkbox }] }
+ let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, :with_populated_champs, procedure:, depose_at: 1.day.ago) }
+ let(:champ1) { dossier.champs[0] }
context "with a demande_seen_at after champ updated_at" do
let(:demande_seen_at) { champ1.updated_at + 1.hour }
@@ -105,9 +126,13 @@ describe 'shared/dossiers/champs', type: :view do
context "with champ updated_at at depose_at" do
- let(:champ1) { create(:champ_checkbox, dossier: dossier, value: 'true', updated_at: dossier.depose_at) }
+ let(:champ1) { dossier.champs[0] }
let(:demande_seen_at) { champ1.updated_at - 1.hour }
+ before do
+ champ1.update(value: 'false', updated_at: dossier.depose_at)
+ end
it { is_expected.not_to have_css(".fr-badge--new") }
diff --git a/spec/views/shared/dossiers/_edit.html.haml_spec.rb b/spec/views/shared/dossiers/_edit.html.haml_spec.rb
index 7814425fd..67f35ed3d 100644
--- a/spec/views/shared/dossiers/_edit.html.haml_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/views/shared/dossiers/_edit.html.haml_spec.rb
@@ -6,29 +6,34 @@ describe 'shared/dossiers/edit', type: :view do
subject { render 'shared/dossiers/edit', dossier: dossier, apercu: false }
- context 'when there are some champs' do
- let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) }
- let(:champ_checkbox) { create(:champ_checkbox, dossier: dossier, value: 'true') }
- let(:champ_header_section) { create(:champ_header_section, dossier: dossier, value: 'Section') }
- let(:champ_explication) { create(:champ_explication, dossier: dossier, value: 'mazette') }
- let(:champ_dossier_link) { create(:champ_dossier_link, dossier: dossier, value: dossier.id) }
- let(:champ_textarea) { create(:champ_textarea, dossier: dossier, value: 'Some long text in a textarea.') }
- let(:champs) { [champ_checkbox, champ_header_section, champ_explication, champ_dossier_link, champ_textarea] }
+ let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, types_de_champ_public:) }
+ let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :with_populated_champs, procedure:) }
- before { dossier.champs_public << champs }
+ context 'when there are some champs' do
+ let(:champs_by_stable_id_with_row) { dossier.champs_by_stable_id_with_row }
+ let(:type_de_champ_header_section) { procedure.draft_types_de_champ_public.find(&:header_section?) }
+ let(:type_de_champ_explication) { procedure.draft_types_de_champ_public.find(&:explication?) }
+ let(:type_de_champ_dossier_link) { procedure.draft_types_de_champ_public.find(&:dossier_link?) }
+ let(:type_de_champ_checkbox) { procedure.draft_types_de_champ_public.find(&:checkbox?) }
+ let(:type_de_champ_textarea) { procedure.draft_types_de_champ_public.find(&:textarea?) }
+ let(:champ_checkbox) { champs_by_stable_id_with_row[[type_de_champ_checkbox.stable_id]] }
+ let(:champ_dossier_link) { champs_by_stable_id_with_row[[type_de_champ_dossier_link.stable_id]] }
+ let(:champ_textarea) { champs_by_stable_id_with_row[[type_de_champ_textarea.stable_id]] }
+ let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :checkbox }, { type: :header_section }, { type: :explication }, { type: :dossier_link }, { type: :textarea }] }
it 'renders labels and editable values of champs' do
expect(subject).to have_field(champ_checkbox.libelle, checked: true)
- expect(subject).to have_css(".header-section", text: champ_header_section.libelle)
- expect(subject).to have_text(champ_explication.libelle)
- expect(subject).to have_field(champ_dossier_link.libelle, with: champ_dossier_link.value)
+ expect(subject).to have_css(".header-section", text: type_de_champ_header_section.libelle)
+ expect(subject).to have_text(type_de_champ_explication.libelle)
+ expect(subject).to have_field(type_de_champ_dossier_link.libelle, with: champ_dossier_link.value)
expect(subject).to have_field(champ_textarea.libelle, with: champ_textarea.value)
context "with standard champs" do
- let(:champ_email) { create(:champ_email, dossier: dossier) }
- let(:champ_phone) { create(:champ_phone, dossier: dossier) }
- let(:champs) { [champ_email, champ_phone] }
+ let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :email }, { type: :phone }] }
it "does not render basic placeholders" do
expect(subject).not_to have_css('input[type="email"][placeholder$="exemple.fr"]')
@@ -38,17 +43,18 @@ describe 'shared/dossiers/edit', type: :view do
context 'with a single-value list' do
- let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) }
- let(:type_de_champ) { create(:type_de_champ_drop_down_list, mandatory: mandatory, procedure: dossier.procedure) }
- let(:champ) { create(:champ_drop_down_list, dossier: dossier, type_de_champ: type_de_champ, value: value) }
+ let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :drop_down_list, options:, mandatory: }] }
+ let(:champ) { dossier.champs_public.first }
+ let(:type_de_champ) { champ.type_de_champ }
let(:enabled_options) { type_de_champ.drop_down_list_enabled_non_empty_options }
let(:mandatory) { true }
- before { dossier.champs_public << champ }
+ let(:options) { nil }
context 'when the list is short' do
let(:value) { 'val1' }
+ before { champ.update(value:) }
it 'renders the list as radio buttons' do
expect(subject).to have_selector('input[type=radio]', count: enabled_options.count)
@@ -65,7 +71,9 @@ describe 'shared/dossiers/edit', type: :view do
context 'when the list is long' do
let(:value) { 'alpha' }
- let(:type_de_champ) { create(:type_de_champ_drop_down_list, :long, procedure: dossier.procedure) }
+ let(:options) { [:long] }
+ before { champ.update(value:) }
it 'renders the list as a dropdown' do
expect(subject).to have_select(type_de_champ.libelle, options: enabled_options + [''])
@@ -74,21 +82,18 @@ describe 'shared/dossiers/edit', type: :view do
context 'with a multiple-values list' do
- let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) }
- let(:type_de_champ) { create(:type_de_champ_multiple_drop_down_list, procedure: dossier.procedure, drop_down_list_value: drop_down_list_value) }
- let(:champ) { create(:champ_multiple_drop_down_list, dossier: dossier, type_de_champ: type_de_champ, value: champ_value) }
+ let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :multiple_drop_down_list, options: }] }
+ let(:champ) { dossier.champs.first }
+ let(:type_de_champ) { champ.type_de_champ }
let(:options) { type_de_champ.drop_down_list_options }
let(:enabled_options) { type_de_champ.drop_down_list_enabled_non_empty_options }
- before { dossier.champs_public << champ }
context 'when the list is short' do
- let(:drop_down_list_value) { ['valid', 'invalid', 'not sure yet'].join("\r\n") }
- let(:champ_value) { ['invalid'].to_json }
+ let(:options) { ['valid', 'invalid', 'not sure yet'] }
it 'renders the list as checkboxes' do
expect(subject).to have_selector('input[type=checkbox]', count: enabled_options.count)
- expect(subject).to have_selector('input[type=checkbox][checked=checked]', count: 1)
+ expect(subject).to have_selector('input[type=checkbox][checked=checked]', count: 2)
it 'adds an extra hidden input, to send a blank value even when all checkboxes are unchecked' do
@@ -97,8 +102,7 @@ describe 'shared/dossiers/edit', type: :view do
context 'when the list is long' do
- let(:drop_down_list_value) { ['peach', 'banana', 'pear', 'apricot', 'apple', 'grapefruit'].join("\r\n") }
- let(:champ_value) { ['banana', 'grapefruit'].to_json }
+ let(:options) { ['peach', 'banana', 'pear', 'apricot', 'apple', 'grapefruit'] }
it 'renders the list as a multiple-selection dropdown' do
expect(subject).to have_selector('select')
@@ -107,13 +111,11 @@ describe 'shared/dossiers/edit', type: :view do
context 'with a mandatory piece justificative' do
- let(:dossier) { create(:dossier) }
- let(:type_de_champ) { create(:type_de_champ_piece_justificative, procedure: dossier.procedure, mandatory: true) }
- let(:champ) { create(:champ_piece_justificative, dossier: dossier, type_de_champ: type_de_champ) }
+ let(:types_de_champ_public) { [{ type: :piece_justificative, mandatory: true }] }
+ let(:champ) { dossier.champs.first }
context 'when dossier is en construction' do
- let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction) }
- before { dossier.champs_public << champ }
+ let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, :en_construction, :with_populated_champs, procedure:) }
it 'can delete a piece justificative' do
expect(subject).to have_selector("[title='Supprimer le fichier #{champ.piece_justificative_file.attachments[0].filename}']")
@@ -121,10 +123,6 @@ describe 'shared/dossiers/edit', type: :view do
context 'when dossier is brouillon' do
- before do
- dossier.champs_public << champ
- end
it 'can delete a piece justificative' do
expect(subject).to have_selector("[title='Supprimer le fichier #{champ.piece_justificative_file.attachments[0].filename}']")
@@ -132,16 +130,11 @@ describe 'shared/dossiers/edit', type: :view do
context 'with a routed procedure' do
- let(:procedure_routee) do
- create(:procedure, :routee)
- end
- let!(:drop_down_tdc) { create(:type_de_champ_drop_down_list, procedure: procedure_routee, drop_down_options: options) }
- let(:options) { procedure_routee.groupe_instructeurs.pluck(:label) }
- let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure: procedure_routee) }
- let(:champs) { [champ_drop_down] }
- let(:champ_drop_down) { create(:champ_drop_down_list, dossier: dossier, type_de_champ: drop_down_tdc, value: options.first) }
- before { dossier.champs_public << champs }
+ let(:groupe_instructeur) { create(:groupe_instructeur) }
+ let(:procedure) { create(:procedure, :routee, groupe_instructeurs: [groupe_instructeur], types_de_champ_public: [{ type: :drop_down_list, options: }]) }
+ let(:options) { [groupe_instructeur.label] }
+ let(:dossier) { create(:dossier, procedure:) }
+ let(:champ_drop_down) { dossier.champs.first }
it 'renders the libelle of the type de champ used for routing' do
expect(subject).to include(champ_drop_down.libelle)