diff --git a/app/controllers/champs/carte_controller.rb b/app/controllers/champs/carte_controller.rb
index 4459ab781..d1be197af 100644
--- a/app/controllers/champs/carte_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/champs/carte_controller.rb
@@ -39,9 +39,10 @@ class Champs::CarteController < ApplicationController
- selection_utilisateur = ApiCartoService.generate_selection_utilisateur(coordinates)
- selection_utilisateur[:source] = GeoArea.sources.fetch(:selection_utilisateur)
- geo_areas << selection_utilisateur
+ selections_utilisateur = legacy_selections_utilisateur_to_polygons(coordinates)
+ geo_areas += selections_utilisateur.map do |selection_utilisateur|
+ selection_utilisateur.merge(source: GeoArea.sources.fetch(:selection_utilisateur))
+ end
@champ.geo_areas = geo_areas.map do |geo_area|
@@ -58,4 +59,17 @@ class Champs::CarteController < ApplicationController
flash.alert = 'Les données cartographiques sont temporairement indisponibles. Réessayez dans un instant.'
response.status = 503
+ private
+ def legacy_selections_utilisateur_to_polygons(coordinates)
+ coordinates.map do |lat_longs|
+ {
+ geometry: {
+ type: 'Polygon',
+ coordinates: [lat_longs.map { |lat_long| [lat_long['lng'], lat_long['lat']] }]
+ }
+ }
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/app/helpers/champ_helper.rb b/app/helpers/champ_helper.rb
index 1e51c662d..b41d81fa2 100644
--- a/app/helpers/champ_helper.rb
+++ b/app/helpers/champ_helper.rb
@@ -37,4 +37,18 @@ module ChampHelper
+ def geo_area_label(geo_area)
+ case geo_area.source
+ when GeoArea.sources.fetch(:cadastre)
+ capture do
+ concat "Parcelle n° #{geo_area.numero} - Feuille #{geo_area.code_arr} #{geo_area.section} #{geo_area.feuille} - #{geo_area.surface_parcelle.round} m"
+ concat content_tag(:sup, "2")
+ end
+ when GeoArea.sources.fetch(:quartier_prioritaire)
+ "#{geo_area.commune} : #{geo_area.nom}"
+ when GeoArea.sources.fetch(:parcelle_agricole)
+ "Culture : #{geo_area.culture} - Surface : #{geo_area.surface} ha"
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/app/javascript/components/MapReader.js b/app/javascript/components/MapReader.js
index aaa2380ab..2e3c16fa5 100644
--- a/app/javascript/components/MapReader.js
+++ b/app/javascript/components/MapReader.js
@@ -1,48 +1,36 @@
import React from 'react';
import ReactMapboxGl, { ZoomControl, GeoJSONLayer } from 'react-mapbox-gl';
-import mapboxgl, { LngLatBounds } from 'mapbox-gl';
+import mapboxgl from 'mapbox-gl';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
const Map = ReactMapboxGl({});
-const MapReader = ({ geoData }) => {
- let [selectionCollection, cadastresCollection] = [[], []];
+const MapReader = ({ featureCollection }) => {
+ const [a1, a2, b1, b2] = featureCollection.bbox;
+ const boundData = [
+ [a1, a2],
+ [b1, b2]
+ ];
- for (let selection of geoData.selection.coordinates) {
- selectionCollection.push({
- type: 'Feature',
- geometry: {
- type: 'Polygon',
- coordinates: selection
- }
- });
- }
- for (let cadastre of geoData.cadastres) {
- cadastresCollection.push({
- type: 'Feature',
- geometry: {
- type: 'Polygon',
- coordinates: cadastre.geometry.coordinates[0]
- }
- });
- }
- const selectionData = {
- type: 'geojson',
- data: {
- type: 'FeatureCollection',
- features: selectionCollection
- }
+ const selectionsFeatureCollection = {
+ type: 'FeatureCollection',
+ features: []
+ };
+ const cadastresFeatureCollection = {
+ type: 'FeatureCollection',
+ features: []
- const cadastresData = {
- type: 'geojson',
- data: {
- type: 'FeatureCollection',
- features: cadastresCollection
+ for (let feature of featureCollection.features) {
+ switch (feature.properties.source) {
+ case 'selection_utilisateur':
+ selectionsFeatureCollection.features.push(feature);
+ break;
+ case 'cadastre':
+ cadastresFeatureCollection.features.push(feature);
+ break;
- };
+ }
const polygonSelectionFill = {
'fill-color': '#EC3323',
@@ -65,19 +53,6 @@ const MapReader = ({ geoData }) => {
'line-dasharray': [1, 1]
- let bounds = new LngLatBounds();
- for (let selection of selectionCollection) {
- for (let coordinate of selection.geometry.coordinates[0]) {
- bounds.extend(coordinate);
- }
- }
- let [swCoords, neCoords] = [
- Object.values(bounds._sw),
- Object.values(bounds._ne)
- ];
- const boundData = [swCoords, neCoords];
if (!mapboxgl.supported()) {
return (
@@ -99,12 +74,12 @@ const MapReader = ({ geoData }) => {
@@ -114,10 +89,10 @@ const MapReader = ({ geoData }) => {
MapReader.propTypes = {
- geoData: PropTypes.shape({
- position: PropTypes.object,
- selection: PropTypes.object,
- cadastres: PropTypes.array
+ featureCollection: PropTypes.shape({
+ type: PropTypes.string,
+ bbox: PropTypes.array,
+ features: PropTypes.array
diff --git a/app/models/champs/carte_champ.rb b/app/models/champs/carte_champ.rb
index a12792cc6..a2fd97737 100644
--- a/app/models/champs/carte_champ.rb
+++ b/app/models/champs/carte_champ.rb
@@ -19,8 +19,10 @@ class Champs::CarteChamp < Champ
- def selection_utilisateur
- geo_areas.find(&:selection_utilisateur?)
+ def selections_utilisateur
+ geo_areas.filter do |area|
+ area.source == GeoArea.sources.fetch(:selection_utilisateur)
+ end
def cadastres?
@@ -47,68 +49,73 @@ class Champs::CarteChamp < Champ
- def geo_json
- @geo_json ||= begin
- geo_area = selection_utilisateur
+ def bounding_box
+ factory = RGeo::Geographic.simple_mercator_factory
+ bounding_box = RGeo::Cartesian::BoundingBox.new(factory)
- if geo_area
- geo_area.geometry
- else
- geo_json_from_value
+ if geo_areas.present?
+ geo_areas.each do |area|
+ bounding_box.add(area.rgeo_geometry)
+ elsif dossier.present?
+ point = dossier.geo_position
+ bounding_box.add(factory.point(point[:lon], point[:lat]))
+ else
+ bounding_box.add(factory.point(2.428462, 46.538192))
+ end
+ [bounding_box.max_point, bounding_box.min_point].compact.flat_map(&:coordinates)
+ end
+ def to_feature_collection
+ {
+ type: 'FeatureCollection',
+ bbox: bounding_box,
+ features: (legacy_selections_utilisateur + except_selections_utilisateur).map(&:to_feature)
+ }
+ end
+ def geometry?
+ geo_areas.present?
+ end
+ def selection_utilisateur_legacy_geometry
+ if selection_utilisateur_legacy?
+ selections_utilisateur.first.geometry
+ elsif selections_utilisateur.present?
+ {
+ type: 'MultiPolygon',
+ coordinates: selections_utilisateur.filter do |selection_utilisateur|
+ selection_utilisateur.geometry['type'] == 'Polygon'
+ end.map do |selection_utilisateur|
+ selection_utilisateur.geometry['coordinates']
+ end
+ }
+ else
+ nil
- def selection_utilisateur_size
- if geo_json.present?
- geo_json['coordinates'].size
- else
- 0
+ def selection_utilisateur_legacy_geo_area
+ geometry = selection_utilisateur_legacy_geometry
+ if geometry.present?
+ GeoArea.new(
+ source: GeoArea.sources.fetch(:selection_utilisateur),
+ geometry: geometry
+ )
def to_render_data
position: position,
- selection: user_geo_area&.geometry,
+ selection: selection_utilisateur_legacy_geometry,
quartiersPrioritaires: quartiers_prioritaires? ? quartiers_prioritaires.as_json(except: :properties) : [],
cadastres: cadastres? ? cadastres.as_json(except: :properties) : [],
parcellesAgricoles: parcelles_agricoles? ? parcelles_agricoles.as_json(except: :properties) : []
- def user_geo_area
- geo_area = selection_utilisateur
- if geo_area.present?
- geo_area
- elsif geo_json_from_value.present?
- GeoArea.new(
- geometry: geo_json_from_value,
- source: GeoArea.sources.fetch(:selection_utilisateur)
- )
- end
- end
- def geo_json_from_value
- @geo_json_from_value ||= begin
- parsed_value = value.blank? ? nil : JSON.parse(value)
- # We used to store in the value column a json array with coordinates.
- if parsed_value.is_a?(Array)
- # Empty array is sent instead of blank to distinguish between empty and error
- if parsed_value.empty?
- nil
- else
- # If it is a coordinates array, format it as a GEO-JSON
- JSON.parse(GeojsonService.to_json_polygon_for_selection_utilisateur(parsed_value))
- end
- else
- # It is already a GEO-JSON
- parsed_value
- end
- end
- end
def for_api
@@ -116,4 +123,38 @@ class Champs::CarteChamp < Champ
def for_export
+ private
+ def selection_utilisateur_legacy?
+ if selections_utilisateur.size == 1
+ geometry = selections_utilisateur.first.geometry
+ return geometry && geometry['type'] == 'MultiPolygon'
+ end
+ false
+ end
+ def legacy_selections_utilisateur
+ if selection_utilisateur_legacy?
+ selections_utilisateur.first.geometry['coordinates'].map do |coordinates|
+ GeoArea.new(
+ geometry: {
+ type: 'Polygon',
+ coordinates: coordinates
+ },
+ properties: {},
+ source: GeoArea.sources.fetch(:selection_utilisateur)
+ )
+ end
+ else
+ selections_utilisateur
+ end
+ end
+ def except_selections_utilisateur
+ geo_areas.filter do |area|
+ area.source != GeoArea.sources.fetch(:selection_utilisateur)
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/app/models/geo_area.rb b/app/models/geo_area.rb
index 7109d0313..6ff08e68a 100644
--- a/app/models/geo_area.rb
+++ b/app/models/geo_area.rb
@@ -27,11 +27,20 @@ class GeoArea < ApplicationRecord
selection_utilisateur: 'selection_utilisateur'
+ scope :selections_utilisateur, -> { where(source: sources.fetch(:selection_utilisateur)) }
scope :quartiers_prioritaires, -> { where(source: sources.fetch(:quartier_prioritaire)) }
scope :cadastres, -> { where(source: sources.fetch(:cadastre)) }
scope :parcelles_agricoles, -> { where(source: sources.fetch(:parcelle_agricole)) }
- def selection_utilisateur?
- source == self.class.sources.fetch(:selection_utilisateur)
+ def to_feature
+ {
+ type: 'Feature',
+ geometry: geometry,
+ properties: properties.merge(source: source)
+ }
+ end
+ def rgeo_geometry
+ RGeo::GeoJSON.decode(geometry.to_json, geo_factory: RGeo::Geographic.simple_mercator_factory)
diff --git a/app/serializers/dossier_serializer.rb b/app/serializers/dossier_serializer.rb
index ba829d3e6..b5a4beeb8 100644
--- a/app/serializers/dossier_serializer.rb
+++ b/app/serializers/dossier_serializer.rb
@@ -38,11 +38,12 @@ class DossierSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
if champ_carte.present?
- carto_champs = champ_carte.geo_areas.to_a
- if !carto_champs.find(&:selection_utilisateur?)
- carto_champs << champ_carte.user_geo_area
+ champs_geo_areas = geo_areas.filter do |geo_area|
+ geo_area.source != GeoArea.sources.fetch(:selection_utilisateur)
- champs += carto_champs.compact
+ champs_geo_areas << champ_carte.selection_utilisateur_legacy_geo_area
+ champs += champs_geo_areas.compact
diff --git a/app/services/api_carto_service.rb b/app/services/api_carto_service.rb
index 9bca82a6c..ec0f64dfe 100644
--- a/app/services/api_carto_service.rb
+++ b/app/services/api_carto_service.rb
@@ -22,10 +22,4 @@ class ApiCartoService
- def self.generate_selection_utilisateur(coordinates)
- {
- geometry: JSON.parse(GeojsonService.to_json_polygon_for_selection_utilisateur(coordinates))
- }
- end
diff --git a/app/services/geojson_service.rb b/app/services/geojson_service.rb
index a5c98c9ed..0e4c04914 100644
--- a/app/services/geojson_service.rb
+++ b/app/services/geojson_service.rb
@@ -14,21 +14,4 @@ class GeojsonService
- def self.to_json_polygon_for_selection_utilisateur(coordinates)
- coordinates = coordinates.map do |lat_longs|
- outbounds = lat_longs.map do |lat_long|
- [lat_long['lng'], lat_long['lat']]
- end
- [outbounds]
- end
- polygon = {
- type: 'MultiPolygon',
- coordinates: coordinates
- }
- polygon.to_json
- end
diff --git a/app/views/dossiers/show.pdf.prawn b/app/views/dossiers/show.pdf.prawn
index 5bc0c9215..29343bb26 100644
--- a/app/views/dossiers/show.pdf.prawn
+++ b/app/views/dossiers/show.pdf.prawn
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ def render_single_champ(pdf, champ)
when 'Champs::ExplicationChamp'
format_in_2_lines(pdf, champ.libelle, champ.description)
when 'Champs::CarteChamp'
- format_in_2_lines(pdf, champ.libelle, champ.geo_json.to_s)
+ format_in_2_lines(pdf, champ.libelle, champ.to_feature_collection.to_json)
when 'Champs::SiretChamp'
pdf.font 'liberation serif', style: :bold, size: 12 do
pdf.text champ.libelle
diff --git a/app/views/shared/champs/carte/_geo_areas.html.haml b/app/views/shared/champs/carte/_geo_areas.html.haml
index 09f326d1b..6f3565e3d 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/champs/carte/_geo_areas.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/shared/champs/carte/_geo_areas.html.haml
@@ -3,39 +3,39 @@
- if error.present?
.error Merci de dessiner une surface plus petite afin de récupérer les quartiers prioritaires.
- - elsif champ.value.blank?
+ - elsif !champ.geometry?
Aucune zone tracée
- elsif champ.quartiers_prioritaires.blank?
- = t('errors.messages.quartiers_prioritaires_empty', count: champ.selection_utilisateur_size)
+ = t('errors.messages.quartiers_prioritaires_empty', count: champ.selections_utilisateur.size)
- else
- - champ.quartiers_prioritaires.each do |qp|
- %li #{qp.commune} : #{qp.nom}
+ - champ.quartiers_prioritaires.each do |geo_area|
+ %li= geo_area_label(geo_area)
- if champ.cadastres?
.areas-title Parcelles cadastrales
- if error.present?
.error Merci de dessiner une surface plus petite afin de récupérer les parcelles cadastrales.
- - elsif champ.value.blank?
+ - elsif !champ.geometry?
Aucune zone tracée
- elsif champ.cadastres.blank?
- = t('errors.messages.cadastres_empty', count: champ.selection_utilisateur_size)
+ = t('errors.messages.cadastres_empty', count: champ.selections_utilisateur.size)
- else
- - champ.cadastres.each do |pc|
- %li Parcelle n° #{pc.numero} - Feuille #{pc.code_arr} #{pc.section} #{pc.feuille} - #{pc.surface_parcelle.round} m2
+ - champ.cadastres.each do |geo_area|
+ %li= geo_area_label(geo_area)
- if champ.parcelles_agricoles?
.areas-title Parcelles agricoles (RPG)
- if error.present?
.error Merci de dessiner une surface plus petite afin de récupérer les parcelles agricoles.
- - elsif champ.value.blank?
+ - elsif !champ.geometry?
Aucune zone tracée
- elsif champ.parcelles_agricoles.blank?
- = t('errors.messages.parcelles_agricoles_empty', count: champ.selection_utilisateur_size)
+ = t('errors.messages.parcelles_agricoles_empty', count: champ.selections_utilisateur.size)
- else
- - champ.parcelles_agricoles.each do |pa|
- %li Culture : #{pa.culture} - Surface : #{pa.surface} ha
+ - champ.parcelles_agricoles.each do |geo_area|
+ %li= geo_area_label(geo_area)
diff --git a/app/views/shared/champs/carte/_show.html.haml b/app/views/shared/champs/carte/_show.html.haml
index 32d5b4f05..ddf078f83 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/champs/carte/_show.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/shared/champs/carte/_show.html.haml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-- if champ.to_s.present?
- = react_component("MapReader", { geoData: champ.to_render_data } )
+- if champ.geometry?
+ = react_component("MapReader", { featureCollection: champ.to_feature_collection } )
= render partial: 'shared/champs/carte/geo_areas', locals: { champ: champ, error: false }
diff --git a/spec/controllers/champs/carte_controller_spec.rb b/spec/controllers/champs/carte_controller_spec.rb
index 43861373a..dc483d39b 100644
--- a/spec/controllers/champs/carte_controller_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/controllers/champs/carte_controller_spec.rb
@@ -13,11 +13,10 @@ describe Champs::CarteController, type: :controller do
champ_id: champ.id
- let(:geojson) { [] }
let(:champ) do
create(:type_de_champ_carte, options: {
cadastres: true
- }).champ.create(dossier: dossier, value: geojson.to_json)
+ }).champ.create(dossier: dossier)
describe 'POST #show' do
@@ -31,7 +30,7 @@ describe Champs::CarteController, type: :controller do
.to receive(:results)
- .and_return([{ code: "QPCODE1234", surface_parcelle: 4, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [[[[2.38715792094576, 48.8723062632126], [2.38724851642619, 48.8721392348061]]]] } }])
+ .and_return([{ code: "QPCODE1234", surface_parcelle: 4, geometry: { type: "MultiPolygon", coordinates: [[[[2.38715792094576, 48.8723062632126], [2.38724851642619, 48.8721392348061], [2.38724851642620, 48.8721392348064], [2.38715792094576, 48.8723062632126]]]] } }])
post :show, params: params, format: 'js'
@@ -43,7 +42,7 @@ describe Champs::CarteController, type: :controller do
expect(assigns(:error)).to eq(nil)
expect(champ.reload.value).to eq(nil)
expect(champ.reload.geo_areas).to eq([])
- expect(response.body).to include("DS.fire('carte:update', {\"selector\":\".carte-1\",\"data\":{\"position\":{\"lon\":\"2.428462\",\"lat\":\"46.538192\",\"zoom\":\"13\"},\"selection\":null,\"quartiersPrioritaires\":[],\"cadastres\":[],\"parcellesAgricoles\":[]}});")
+ expect(response.body).to include("DS.fire('carte:update'")
@@ -56,7 +55,6 @@ describe Champs::CarteController, type: :controller do
context 'when error' do
- let(:geojson) { [[{ "lat": 48.87442541960633, "lng": 2.3859214782714844 }, { "lat": 48.87273183590832, "lng": 2.3850631713867183 }, { "lat": 48.87081237174292, "lng": 2.3809432983398438 }, { "lat": 48.8712640169951, "lng": 2.377510070800781 }, { "lat": 48.87510283703279, "lng": 2.3778533935546875 }, { "lat": 48.87544154230615, "lng": 2.382831573486328 }, { "lat": 48.87442541960633, "lng": 2.3859214782714844 }]] }
let(:value) { '' }
it {
diff --git a/spec/models/champs/carte_champ_spec.rb b/spec/models/champs/carte_champ_spec.rb
index 4de97465c..5f286e6f7 100644
--- a/spec/models/champs/carte_champ_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/models/champs/carte_champ_spec.rb
@@ -1,9 +1,19 @@
describe Champs::CarteChamp do
- let(:champ) { Champs::CarteChamp.new(value: value) }
+ let(:champ) { Champs::CarteChamp.new(geo_areas: geo_areas) }
let(:value) { '' }
- let(:coordinates) { [[{ "lat" => 48.87442541960633, "lng" => 2.3859214782714844 }, { "lat" => 48.87273183590832, "lng" => 2.3850631713867183 }, { "lat" => 48.87081237174292, "lng" => 2.3809432983398438 }, { "lat" => 48.8712640169951, "lng" => 2.377510070800781 }, { "lat" => 48.87510283703279, "lng" => 2.3778533935546875 }, { "lat" => 48.87544154230615, "lng" => 2.382831573486328 }, { "lat" => 48.87442541960633, "lng" => 2.3859214782714844 }]] }
- let(:geo_json_as_string) { GeojsonService.to_json_polygon_for_selection_utilisateur(coordinates) }
- let(:geo_json) { JSON.parse(geo_json_as_string) }
+ let(:coordinates) { [[2.3859214782714844, 48.87442541960633], [2.3850631713867183, 48.87273183590832], [2.3809432983398438, 48.87081237174292], [2.3859214782714844, 48.87442541960633]] }
+ let(:geo_json) do
+ {
+ "type" => 'Polygon',
+ "coordinates" => coordinates
+ }
+ end
+ let(:legacy_geo_json) do
+ {
+ type: 'MultiPolygon',
+ coordinates: [coordinates]
+ }
+ end
describe '#to_render_data' do
subject { champ.to_render_data }
@@ -18,78 +28,44 @@ describe Champs::CarteChamp do
- context 'when the value is nil' do
- let(:value) { nil }
+ context 'when has no geo_areas' do
+ let(:geo_areas) { [] }
let(:selection) { nil }
it { is_expected.to eq(render_data) }
- context 'when the value is blank' do
- let(:value) { '' }
- let(:selection) { nil }
- it { is_expected.to eq(render_data) }
- end
- context 'when the value is empty array' do
- let(:value) { '[]' }
- let(:selection) { nil }
- it { is_expected.to eq(render_data) }
- end
- context 'when the value is coordinates' do
- let(:value) { coordinates.to_json }
- let(:selection) { geo_json }
- it { is_expected.to eq(render_data) }
- end
- context 'when the value is geojson' do
- let(:value) { geo_json.to_json }
- let(:selection) { geo_json }
+ context 'when has one geo_area' do
+ let(:geo_areas) { [build(:geo_area, :selection_utilisateur, geometry: geo_json)] }
+ let(:selection) { legacy_geo_json }
it { is_expected.to eq(render_data) }
- describe '#selection_utilisateur_size' do
- subject { champ.selection_utilisateur_size }
+ describe '#to_feature_collection' do
+ subject { champ.to_feature_collection }
- context 'when the value is nil' do
- let(:value) { nil }
+ let(:feature_collection) {
+ {
+ type: 'FeatureCollection',
+ bbox: champ.bounding_box,
+ features: features
+ }
+ }
- it { is_expected.to eq(0) }
+ context 'when has no geo_areas' do
+ let(:geo_areas) { [] }
+ let(:features) { [] }
+ it { is_expected.to eq(feature_collection) }
- context 'when the value is blank' do
- let(:value) { '' }
+ context 'when has one geo_area' do
+ let(:geo_areas) { [build(:geo_area, :selection_utilisateur, geometry: geo_json)] }
+ let(:features) { geo_areas.map(&:to_feature) }
- it { is_expected.to eq(0) }
- end
- context 'when the value is empty array' do
- let(:value) { '[]' }
- it { is_expected.to eq(0) }
- end
- context 'when the value is coordinates' do
- let(:value) { coordinates.to_json }
- it { is_expected.to eq(1) }
- end
- context 'when the value is geojson' do
- let(:value) { geo_json.to_json }
- it { is_expected.to eq(1) }
+ it { is_expected.to eq(feature_collection) }
diff --git a/spec/serializers/champ_serializer_spec.rb b/spec/serializers/champ_serializer_spec.rb
index 602356312..97a6712f4 100644
--- a/spec/serializers/champ_serializer_spec.rb
+++ b/spec/serializers/champ_serializer_spec.rb
@@ -27,9 +27,13 @@ describe ChampSerializer do
let(:champ) { create(:champ_carte, value: value, geo_areas: [geo_area].compact) }
let(:value) { nil }
let(:geo_area) { create(:geo_area, geometry: geo_json) }
- let(:geo_json_as_string) { GeojsonService.to_json_polygon_for_selection_utilisateur(coordinates) }
- let(:geo_json) { JSON.parse(geo_json_as_string) }
- let(:coordinates) { [[{ "lat" => 48.87442541960633, "lng" => 2.3859214782714844 }, { "lat" => 48.87273183590832, "lng" => 2.3850631713867183 }, { "lat" => 48.87081237174292, "lng" => 2.3809432983398438 }, { "lat" => 48.8712640169951, "lng" => 2.377510070800781 }, { "lat" => 48.87510283703279, "lng" => 2.3778533935546875 }, { "lat" => 48.87544154230615, "lng" => 2.382831573486328 }, { "lat" => 48.87442541960633, "lng" => 2.3859214782714844 }]] }
+ let(:geo_json) do
+ {
+ "type" => 'MultiPolygon',
+ "coordinates" => coordinates
+ }
+ end
+ let(:coordinates) { [[[2.3859214782714844, 48.87442541960633], [2.3850631713867183, 48.87273183590832], [2.3809432983398438, 48.87081237174292], [2.3859214782714844, 48.87442541960633]]] }
let(:serialized_champ) {
@@ -60,19 +64,19 @@ describe ChampSerializer do
context 'when value is nil' do
let(:value) { nil }
- it { expect(champ.user_geo_area).to be_nil }
+ it { expect(champ.selection_utilisateur_legacy_geo_area).to be_nil }
context 'when value is empty array' do
let(:value) { '[]' }
- it { expect(champ.user_geo_area).to be_nil }
+ it { expect(champ.selection_utilisateur_legacy_geo_area).to be_nil }
context 'when value is blank' do
let(:value) { '' }
- it { expect(champ.user_geo_area).to be_nil }
+ it { expect(champ.selection_utilisateur_legacy_geo_area).to be_nil }
@@ -80,7 +84,7 @@ describe ChampSerializer do
let(:serialized_libelle) { "user geometry" }
let(:serialized_type_champ) { "user_geometry" }
- let(:serializable_object) { champ.user_geo_area }
+ let(:serializable_object) { champ.selection_utilisateur_legacy_geo_area }
context 'when value is coordinates' do
let(:value) { coordinates.to_json }
@@ -167,30 +171,6 @@ describe ChampSerializer do
it { expect(subject).to eq(serialized_champ) }
- context 'and geo_area is quartier_prioritaire' do
- let(:geo_area) { create(:geo_area, :quartier_prioritaire, geometry: geo_json) }
- context 'new_api' do
- it {
- expect(subject[:geo_areas].first).to include(
- source: GeoArea.sources.fetch(:quartier_prioritaire),
- geometry: geo_json,
- nom: 'XYZ',
- commune: 'Paris'
- )
- expect(subject[:geo_areas].first.key?(:numero)).to be_falsey
- }
- end
- context 'old_api' do
- let(:serializable_object) { champ.geo_areas.first }
- let(:serialized_libelle) { "quartier prioritaire" }
- let(:serialized_type_champ) { "quartier_prioritaire" }
- it { expect(subject).to eq(serialized_champ) }
- end
- end
context 'when type champ is siret' do