diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/card.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/card.scss
index 2db51bef0..5e528b453 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/card.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/card.scss
@@ -6,18 +6,18 @@
border: 1px solid $border-grey;
margin-bottom: $default-spacer * 2;
background: #FFFFFF;
- .notice {
- font-size: 16px;
- color: #666666;
- margin-top: -8px;
- margin-bottom: 16px;
- }
+ color: $dark-grey;
.card-title {
+ color: $black;
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 20px;
+ line-height: 1.5rem;
margin-bottom: $default-spacer * 2;
+ a:not(:hover) {
+ background-image: none; // remove DSFR underline
+ }
&.feedback {
diff --git a/app/assets/stylesheets/flex.scss b/app/assets/stylesheets/flex.scss
index e8c78a5a9..bc0b81f48 100644
--- a/app/assets/stylesheets/flex.scss
+++ b/app/assets/stylesheets/flex.scss
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
align-items: flex-start;
+ &.align-end {
+ align-items: end;
+ }
&.align-baseline {
align-items: baseline;
diff --git a/app/components/dsfr/alert_component.rb b/app/components/dsfr/alert_component.rb
index d1fe28566..42ed9f432 100644
--- a/app/components/dsfr/alert_component.rb
+++ b/app/components/dsfr/alert_component.rb
@@ -13,20 +13,25 @@ class Dsfr::AlertComponent < ApplicationComponent
def alert_class(state)
- ["fr-alert fr-alert--#{state}", extra_class_names].compact.flatten
+ if size == 'small'
+ ["fr-alert fr-alert--sm fr-alert--#{state}", extra_class_names].compact.flatten
+ else
+ ["fr-alert fr-alert--#{state}", extra_class_names].compact.flatten
+ end
- def initialize(state:, title:, extra_class_names: nil, heading_level: 'h3')
+ def initialize(state:, title: '', size: '', extra_class_names: nil, heading_level: 'h3')
@state = state
@title = title
+ @size = size
@block = block
@extra_class_names = extra_class_names
@heading_level = heading_level
- attr_reader :state, :title, :block, :extra_class_names, :heading_level
+ attr_reader :state, :title, :size, :block, :extra_class_names, :heading_level
diff --git a/app/components/dsfr/alert_component/alert_component.html.haml b/app/components/dsfr/alert_component/alert_component.html.haml
index b8e848bdb..a0f9cf28d 100644
--- a/app/components/dsfr/alert_component/alert_component.html.haml
+++ b/app/components/dsfr/alert_component/alert_component.html.haml
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
%div{ class: alert_class(state) }
- = content_tag(heading_level, class: 'fr-alert__title') do
- = "#{prefix_for_state}#{title}"
+ - if size != 'small'
+ = content_tag(heading_level, class: 'fr-alert__title') do
+ = "#{prefix_for_state}#{title}"
= body
diff --git a/app/views/administrateurs/experts_procedures/index.html.haml b/app/views/administrateurs/experts_procedures/index.html.haml
index 8876f5b9b..a68895352 100644
--- a/app/views/administrateurs/experts_procedures/index.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/administrateurs/experts_procedures/index.html.haml
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
.card-title= t('.titles.allow_invite_experts')
- %p.notice= t('.descriptions.allow_invite_experts')
+ %p= t('.descriptions.allow_invite_experts')
= form_for @procedure,
method: :put,
url: allow_expert_review_admin_procedure_path(@procedure),
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
- if @procedure.allow_expert_review?
.card-title= t('.titles.manage_procedure_experts')
- %p.notice= t('.descriptions.manage_procedure_experts')
+ %p= t('.descriptions.manage_procedure_experts')
= form_for @procedure,
method: :put,
url: experts_require_administrateur_invitation_admin_procedure_path(@procedure),
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
.card-title= t('.titles.allow_expert_messaging')
- %p.notice= t('.descriptions.allow_expert_messaging')
+ %p= t('.descriptions.allow_expert_messaging')
= form_for @procedure,
method: :put,
url: allow_expert_messaging_admin_procedure_path(@procedure),
@@ -56,8 +56,8 @@
html: { class: 'form' } do |f|
- %p.notice Pendant l'instruction d’un dossier, les instructeurs peuvent demander leur avis à un ou plusieurs experts.
- %p#experts-emails.notice Entrez les adresses email des experts que vous souhaitez affecter à cette démarche
+ %p Pendant l'instruction d’un dossier, les instructeurs peuvent demander leur avis à un ou plusieurs experts.
+ %p#experts-emails Entrez les adresses email des experts que vous souhaitez affecter à cette démarche
= hidden_field_tag :emails, nil
= react_component("ComboMultiple",
options: [],
diff --git a/app/views/administrateurs/groupe_instructeurs/_instructeurs.html.haml b/app/views/administrateurs/groupe_instructeurs/_instructeurs.html.haml
index bc2a07f12..0b94f472a 100644
--- a/app/views/administrateurs/groupe_instructeurs/_instructeurs.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/administrateurs/groupe_instructeurs/_instructeurs.html.haml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
= form_for :instructeur, url: { action: :add_instructeur, id: groupe_instructeur.id }, html: { class: 'form' } do |f|
- if !procedure.routing_enabled?
- %p.notice Entrez les adresses email des instructeurs que vous souhaitez affecter à cette démarche
+ %p Entrez les adresses email des instructeurs que vous souhaitez affecter à cette démarche
- if disabled_as_super_admin
= f.select :emails, available_instructeur_emails, {}, disabled: disabled_as_super_admin, id: 'instructeur_emails'
diff --git a/app/views/administrateurs/procedures/_procedures_list.html.haml b/app/views/administrateurs/procedures/_procedures_list.html.haml
index 9fd38500b..ede6aa56d 100644
--- a/app/views/administrateurs/procedures/_procedures_list.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/administrateurs/procedures/_procedures_list.html.haml
@@ -5,24 +5,24 @@
= image_tag procedure.logo, alt: procedure.libelle, width: '100'
- = link_to procedure.libelle, admin_procedure_path(procedure), style: 'color: black;'
+ = link_to procedure.libelle, admin_procedure_path(procedure)
= link_to commencer_url(procedure.path), commencer_url(procedure.path), class: 'fr-link fr-mb-1w'
- %p.notice N° #{procedure.id}
- %p.notice créée le #{procedure.created_at.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')}
+ %p N° #{procedure.id}
+ %p créée le #{procedure.created_at.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')}
- if procedure.published_at.present?
- %p.notice publiée le #{procedure.published_at.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')}
+ %p publiée le #{procedure.published_at.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')}
- if procedure.updated_at.today?
- %p.notice modifiée à #{procedure.updated_at.strftime('%H:%M')}
+ %p modifiée à #{procedure.updated_at.strftime('%H:%M')}
- else
- %p.notice modifiée le #{procedure.updated_at.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M')}
+ %p modifiée le #{procedure.updated_at.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M')}
- if procedure.closed_at.present?
- %p.notice archivée le #{procedure.closed_at.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')}
+ %p archivée le #{procedure.closed_at.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')}
- elsif procedure.auto_archive_on&.future?
- %p.notice sera clôturée le #{procedure.auto_archive_on.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')}
+ %p sera clôturée le #{procedure.auto_archive_on.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')}
@@ -80,4 +80,3 @@
%h4= t('administrateurs.dropdown_actions.restore')
diff --git a/app/views/users/dossiers/_dossier_actions.html.haml b/app/views/users/dossiers/_dossier_actions.html.haml
index 03d8e741f..bb8b926c4 100644
--- a/app/views/users/dossiers/_dossier_actions.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/users/dossiers/_dossier_actions.html.haml
@@ -7,23 +7,20 @@
- if has_actions
- = render Dropdown::MenuComponent.new(wrapper: :div, wrapper_options: {class: 'invite-user-actions'}, menu_options: {id: dom_id(dossier, :actions_menu)}, button_options: {class: 'fr-btn--sm'}) do |menu|
- - menu.with_button_inner_html do
- = t('views.users.dossiers.dossier_action.actions')
+ - if has_edit_action
+ - if dossier.brouillon?
+ = link_to t('views.users.dossiers.dossier_action.edit_draft'), (url_for_dossier(dossier)), class: 'fr-btn fr-mr-1w'
- - if has_edit_action
- - if dossier.brouillon?
- - menu.with_item do
- = link_to(url_for_dossier(dossier), role: 'menuitem') do
- %span.icon.edit
- .dropdown-description
- = t('views.users.dossiers.dossier_action.edit_draft')
+ - else
+ = link_to t('views.users.dossiers.dossier_action.edit_dossier'), modifier_dossier_path(dossier), class: 'fr-btn fr-btn--tertiary fr-mr-1w'
+ = render Dropdown::MenuComponent.new(wrapper: :div, wrapper_options: {class: 'invite-user-actions'}, menu_options: {id: dom_id(dossier, :actions_menu)}, button_options: {class: 'fr-btn--tertiary'}) do |menu|
+ - menu.with_button_inner_html do
+ - if has_edit_action
+ = t('views.users.dossiers.dossier_action.other_actions')
- else
- - menu.with_item do
- = link_to(modifier_dossier_path(dossier), role: 'menuitem') do
- %span.icon.edit
- .dropdown-description
- = t('views.users.dossiers.dossier_action.edit_dossier')
+ = t('views.users.dossiers.dossier_action.actions')
- if has_transfer_action
- menu.with_item do
diff --git a/app/views/users/dossiers/_dossiers_list.html.haml b/app/views/users/dossiers/_dossiers_list.html.haml
index 4c5a7361a..ff9893ca6 100644
--- a/app/views/users/dossiers/_dossiers_list.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/users/dossiers/_dossiers_list.html.haml
@@ -1,54 +1,71 @@
- if dossiers.present?
- %span.fr-h6.fr-mr-2w
+ .fr-h6.fr-mb-2w
= page_entries_info dossiers
- .fr-table.fr-table--bordered.fr-table--no-caption.fr-mt-2w
- %table.table.dossiers-table.hoverable.hack-to-display-dropdown
- %caption= t('views.users.dossiers.dossiers_list.caption')
- %thead
- %tr
- %th.number-col{ scope: :col }= t('views.users.dossiers.dossiers_list.n_dossier')
- %th{ scope: :col }= t('views.users.dossiers.dossiers_list.procedure')
- - if dossiers.present?
- %th{ scope: :col }= t('views.users.dossiers.dossiers_list.requester')
- %th.status-col{ scope: :col }= t('views.users.dossiers.dossiers_list.status')
- %th.updated-at-col{ scope: :col }= t('views.users.dossiers.dossiers_list.updated')
- %th.action-col.follow-col{ scope: :col }= t('views.users.dossiers.dossiers_list.actions')
- %tbody
- - dossiers.each do |dossier|
- - if dossier.transfer.present?
- %tr.fr-background-alt--blue-france.no-border
- %td.fr-py-2w{ colspan: 100 }
- .flex.align-center
- %p.fr-mb-0
- %small
- = t('views.users.dossiers.transfers.sender_demande_en_cours', id: dossier.id, email: dossier.transfer.email)
- .ml-auto
- = link_to t('views.users.dossiers.transfers.revoke'), transfer_path(dossier.transfer), class: 'fr-btn fr-btn--sm fr-btn--tertiary-no-outline', method: :delete
- %tr{ data: { 'dossier-id': dossier.id } }
- %th.number-col{ scope: :row }
- = link_to(url_for_dossier(dossier), class: 'cell-link', tabindex: -1) do
- %span.icon.folder
- = dossier.id
- %td
- = link_to(url_for_dossier(dossier), class: 'cell-link') do
- = procedure_libelle(dossier.procedure)
- - if dossiers.present?
- %td
- %span.cell-link= demandeur_dossier(dossier)
- %td.status-col
- - if dossier.pending_correction?
- = pending_correction_badge(:for_user)
- - else
- = status_badge(dossier.state)
+ - dossiers.each do |dossier|
+ .card
+ .flex.justify-between
+ %div
+ %h2.card-title
+ = link_to(url_for_dossier(dossier), class: 'cell-link') do
+ = procedure_libelle(dossier.procedure)
- %td.updated-at-col.cell-link
- = try_format_date(dossier.updated_at)
- %td.action-col.follow-col
- = render partial: 'dossier_actions', locals: { dossier: dossier }
+ %p.fr-icon--sm.fr-icon-user-line
+ = demandeur_dossier(dossier)
+ %p.fr-icon--sm.fr-icon-edit-box-line
+ - if dossier.depose_at.present?
+ %span
+ = t('views.users.dossiers.dossiers_list.depose_at', date: dossier.depose_at.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'))
+ - else
+ %span
+ = t('views.users.dossiers.dossiers_list.created_at', date: dossier.created_at.strftime('%d/%m/%Y'))
+ - if dossier.created_at != dossier.updated_at
+ = t('views.users.dossiers.dossiers_list.updated_at', date: dossier.updated_at.strftime('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M'))
+ - if dossier.invites.present?
+ %p.fr-icon--sm.fr-icon-shield-line
+ = t('views.users.dossiers.dossiers_list.shared_with')
+ = dossier.invites.map(&:email).join(', ')
+ .text-right
+ %p.fr-mb-0
+ = t('views.users.dossiers.dossiers_list.n_dossier')
+ = dossier.id
+ = status_badge(dossier.state, 'fr-mb-1w')
+ - if dossier.pending_correction?
+ %br
+ = pending_correction_badge(:for_user)
+ - if dossier.procedure.close?
+ = render Dsfr::AlertComponent.new(state: :info, size: 'small', extra_class_names: "fr-mb-2w") do |c|
+ - c.body do
+ %p
+ = t('views.users.dossiers.dossiers_list.procedure_closed')
+ - if dossier.pending_correction?
+ = render Dsfr::AlertComponent.new(state: :warning, size: 'small', extra_class_names: "fr-mb-2w") do |c|
+ - c.body do
+ %p
+ = t('views.users.dossiers.dossiers_list.pending_correction')
+ - if dossier.transfer.present?
+ = render Dsfr::AlertComponent.new(state: :info, size: 'small', extra_class_names: "fr-mb-2w") do |c|
+ - c.body do
+ %p
+ = t('views.users.dossiers.transfers.sender_demande_en_cours', id: dossier.id, email: dossier.transfer.email)
+ %p
+ = link_to t('views.users.dossiers.transfers.revoke'), transfer_path(dossier.transfer), class: 'fr-link', method: :delete
+ .flex.justify-end
+ = render partial: 'dossier_actions', locals: { dossier: dossier }
= paginate dossiers, views_prefix: 'shared'
- else
- if filter.filter_params.present?
diff --git a/config/locales/en.yml b/config/locales/en.yml
index b91ccadad..b9f54df18 100644
--- a/config/locales/en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/en.yml
@@ -463,14 +463,17 @@ en:
caption: My files
procedure: "Procedure"
n_dossier: "File n."
- requester: "Requester"
status: "Status"
- updated: "Updated"
- actions: "Actions"
no_result_title: No files
no_result_text_html: "To fill a procedure, contact your administration asking for the procedure link.
It should look like %{app_base}/commencer/xxx."
no_result_text_with_filter: found with selected filters
no_result_reset_filter: Reset filters
+ procedure_closed: This procedure has been closed, you will not be able to submit a file again from the procedure link, contact your administration for more information.
+ pending_correction: This procedure is awaiting your corrections. Correct the fields that are notified by an alert message in the form.
+ depose_at: First submission on %{date}
+ created_at: Created at %{date}
+ updated_at: updated at %{date}
+ shared_with: File shared with
sender_demande_en_cours: "A transfer request is pending on file Nº %{id} to %{email}"
receiver_demande_en_cours: "Transfer request on file Nº %{id} sent by %{email}"
@@ -483,8 +486,9 @@ en:
clone: "Duplicate the file"
delete_dossier: "Delete the file"
transfer_dossier: "Transfer the file"
- edit_draft: "Edit the draft"
+ edit_draft: "Keep filling"
actions: "Actions"
+ other_actions: "Other actions"
sign_in: Sign in on %{application_name}
diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml
index d8b4bb583..0f2351a25 100644
--- a/config/locales/fr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/fr.yml
@@ -465,22 +465,26 @@ fr:
caption: Mes dossiers
procedure: "Démarche"
n_dossier: "Nº dossier"
- requester: "Demandeur"
status: "Statut"
- updated: "Mis à jour"
- actions: "Actions"
no_result_title: Aucun dossier
no_result_text_html: "Pour remplir une démarche, contactez votre administration en lui demandant le lien de la démarche.
Celui ci doit ressembler à %{app_base}/commencer/xxx."
no_result_text_with_filter: ne correspond aux filtres sélectionnés
no_result_reset_filter: Réinitialiser les filtres
+ procedure_closed: Cette démarche a été clôturée, vous ne pourrez pas redéposer de dossier à partir du lien de la démarche, contactez votre administration pour plus d’information.
+ pending_correction: Cette démarche est en attente de vos corrections. Corriger les champs qui sont notifiés par un message d’alerte dans le formulaire.
+ depose_at: Déposé le %{date}
+ created_at: Créé le %{date}
+ updated_at: modifié le %{date}
+ shared_with: Dossier partagé avec
edit_dossier: "Modifier le dossier"
start_other_dossier: "Commencer un autre dossier vide"
clone: "Dupliquer ce dossier"
delete_dossier: "Supprimer le dossier"
transfer_dossier: "Transférer le dossier"
- edit_draft: "Modifier le brouillon"
+ edit_draft: "Continuer à remplir"
actions: "Actions"
+ other_actions: "Autres actions"
sender_demande_en_cours: "Une demande de transfert est en cours sur le dossier Nº %{id} pour %{email}"
receiver_demande_en_cours: "Demande de transfert pour le dossier Nº %{id} envoyé par %{email}"