2015-08-10 11:05:06 +02:00
# Files in the config/locales directory are used for internationalization
# and are automatically loaded by Rails. If you want to use locales other
# than English, add the necessary files in this directory.
# To use the locales, use `I18n.t`:
# I18n.t 'hello'
# In views, this is aliased to just `t`:
# <%= t('hello') %>
# To use a different locale, set it with `I18n.locale`:
# I18n.locale = :es
# This would use the information in config/locales/es.yml.
2021-02-16 16:14:43 +01:00
# The following keys must be escaped otherwise they will not be retrieved by
# the default I18n backend:
# true, false, on, off, yes, no
# Instead, surround them with single quotes.
# en:
# 'true': 'foo'
2015-08-10 11:05:06 +02:00
# To learn more, please read the Rails Internationalization guide
# available at http://guides.rubyonrails.org/i18n.html.
en :
2021-08-20 10:52:01 +02:00
help : 'Help'
2016-12-05 14:45:00 +01:00
utils :
2021-09-16 21:20:49 +02:00
'yes' : Yes
'no' : No
2020-08-25 15:01:54 +02:00
deconnexion : "Log out"
pj : "Attachments"
asterisk_html : Fields marked by an asterisk ( <span class = mandatory>*</span> ) are mandatory.
file_number : File number
subject : Subject
message : Message
send_mail : Send message
2021-04-17 18:49:00 +02:00
helpers :
procedure :
testing_procedure : testing procedure
commentaire :
send_message_to_instructeur : "Send a message to the instructor"
reply_in_mailbox : "Reply in mailbox"
2021-08-24 16:43:43 +02:00
layouts :
commencer :
no_procedure :
line1 : A simple tool
line2 : to manage dematerialized
line3 : administrative forms.
2021-08-24 16:45:47 +02:00
locale_dropdown :
languages : "Languages"
2021-08-26 12:47:23 +02:00
notifications :
actions :
access : View your File
question : I have a question
reply : Reply to this message
2020-08-25 15:01:54 +02:00
views :
2021-04-17 18:49:00 +02:00
commencer :
show :
start_procedure : Start the procedure
existing_dossiers : You already have files for this procedure
show_dossiers : View my current files
2021-08-19 18:25:32 +02:00
already_draft : "You already started to fill a file"
already_draft_detail_html : "You started to fill a file for the \"%{procedure}\" procedure <strong>%{time_ago} ago</strong>"
already_not_draft : "You already submitted a file"
already_not_draft_detail_html : "You submitted a file for the \"%{procedure}\" procedure <strong>%{time_ago} ago</strong>."
continue_file : "Continue to fill my file"
start_new_file : "Start a new file"
show_my_submitted_file : 'Show my submitted file'
2021-08-20 11:40:12 +02:00
want_empty_pdf : "You prefer to submit a paper form? You can download an empty PDF file, and send it to the right administration : %{service} - %{adresse}"
2021-08-19 18:25:32 +02:00
download_empty_pdf : 'Download an empty PDF file'
2021-08-20 10:44:58 +02:00
registrations :
new :
title : "Create an account %{name}"
email_label : 'Email (name@site.com)'
email_placeholder : 'Your email address'
wanna_say : 'Do you mean to say'
password_label : "Password (%{min_length} characters minimum)"
password_placeholder : "%{min_length} characters minimum"
2021-04-17 18:49:00 +02:00
invites :
dropdown :
invite_to_edit : Invite someone to edit this file
view_invited_people : "View invited people"
invite_to_view : "Invite someone to view this file"
form :
invite_to_edit_line1 : You can invite someone to complete this file with you.
invite_to_edit_line2 : This person will have the right to edit your file.
email : Email address
invite_message : Add a message to the person you invite (optional)
send_invitation : Send an invitation
invite_to_participate : "Invited people to participate in this file"
withdraw_permission : "Withdraw the permission"
want_to_withdraw_permission : "Would you like to withdraw the permission?"
edit_dossier : "These people can edit this file."
submit_dossier_yourself : "You must submit the file yourself when it is complete."
2020-08-25 15:01:54 +02:00
pagination :
next : Next
last : Last
previous : Previous
first : First
truncate : '…'
2021-04-17 18:49:00 +02:00
shared :
2021-08-26 17:50:39 +02:00
greetings :
hello : Dear Sir or Madam,
best_regards : Best Regards,
2021-04-17 18:49:00 +02:00
dossiers :
edit :
autosave : Your file is automatically saved after each modification. You can close the window at any time and pick up where you left off later.
submit_dossier : Submit the file
save_changes : Save the changes of the file
messages :
message_issuer :
automatic_email : "Automatic email"
you : "You"
message :
reply : "Reply"
guest : "Guest"
form :
send_message : "Send message"
attachment_size : "(attachment size max : 20 Mo)"
attach_dossier : "Attach a file"
write_message_placeholder : "Write your message here"
write_message_to_administration_placeholder : "Write your message to the administration here"
demande :
requester_identity : "Identity of the requester"
form : "Form"
edit_siret : "Edit SIRET"
edit_identity : "Edit identity data"
2021-11-24 10:35:50 +01:00
instructeurs :
dossiers :
2021-12-02 16:19:17 +01:00
archived_dossier : "This file will be kept for an additional month"
2021-11-24 10:35:50 +01:00
deleted_by_user : "File deleted by user"
2021-11-30 12:31:32 +01:00
avis :
introduction_file_explaination : "File attached to the request for advice"
2021-04-17 18:49:00 +02:00
users :
dossiers :
2021-12-02 16:19:17 +01:00
archived_dossier : "Your file will be kept %{duree_conservation_dossiers_dans_ds} more months"
2021-04-17 18:49:00 +02:00
autosave :
autosave_draft : Your draft is automatically saved.
more_infos : More informations
identite :
identity_data : Identity data
complete_data : Please complete your personal information to access the procedure.
continue : Continue
merci :
thanks : Thank you!
dossier_send_l1 : Your file on the procedure
dossier_send_l2 : has been sent.
dossier_acces_l1 : You have now access to your
dossier_acces_l2 : online file.
dossier_edit_l1 : You can
dossier_edit_l2 : edit it
dossier_edit_l3 : and
dossier_edit_l4 : talk with an instructor.
acces_dossier : Access your file
submit_dossier : Submit an other file
show :
header :
edit_dossier : Edit my file
summary : "Summary"
request : "Request"
mailbox : "Mailbox"
dossier_number : "File n. %{dossier_id}"
2021-11-22 14:51:52 +01:00
created_date : "- Draft on %{date_du_dossier}"
2021-04-17 18:49:00 +02:00
submit_date : "- Submit on %{date_du_dossier}"
print : "print"
print_dossier : "All the file"
status_overview :
status_draft : draft
status_in_progress : in progress
en_construction_html : Your file is in progress. It means that <strong>you can still edit it</strong>. You will no longer be able to edit the file when the administration will switch it to "review".
status_review : undergoing review
admin_review : The administration is reviewing your file. You are no longer able to edit it.
status_completed : completed
use_mailbox_for_questions_html : "<strong>You have a question?</strong> Use the mailbox to <a href=\"%{mailbox_url}\">contact the administration directly</a>."
latest_message :
latest_message : "Latest message"
messagerie :
mailbox : "The mailbox allows you to contact the instructor in charge of your file."
demande :
edit_dossier : "Edit file"
index :
dossiers : "Files"
dossiers_list :
procedure : "Procedure"
n_dossier : "File n."
requester : "Requester"
status : "Status"
updated : "Updated"
actions : "Actions"
dossier_action :
edit_dossier : "Edit the file"
start_other_dossier : "Start an other file"
delete_dossier : "Delete the file"
2021-11-24 10:35:50 +01:00
hide_dossier : "Delete from your screen"
2021-09-07 10:37:42 +02:00
transfer_dossier : "Transfer the file"
2021-04-17 18:49:00 +02:00
edit_draft : "Edit the draft"
actions : "Actions"
sessions :
new :
sign_in : Sign in
email : Email address (name@site.com)
password : Password (minimum length %{min_length} characters)
remember_me : Remember me
reset_password : Forgot password?
connection : Sign in
are_you_new : First time on %{app_name}?
find_procedure : Find your procedure
2021-11-19 10:00:04 +01:00
instructor_or_admin : Instructor or Administrator ?
connect_with_agent_connect : Connect with AgentConnect
2021-09-15 19:54:01 +02:00
passwords :
2021-09-01 17:49:52 +02:00
reset_link_sent :
got_it : Got it!
open_your_mailbox : Now open your mailbox.
email_sent_html : We have sent you an email to the address <strong>%{email}</strong>.
click_link_to_reset_password : Click on the link in the email to change your password.
no_mail : Didn't receive the email?
check_spams : Check your junk or spam email.
check_account : Have you created a %{application_name} account with the adress %{email}? You will not receive any message if no account is linked to your email adress.
check_france_connect_html : Have you once logged in with France Connect? If yes, <a href=\"%{href}\">try again with France Connect</a>.
2021-09-15 19:54:01 +02:00
shared :
email_can_take_a_while_html : <strong>Please note</strong> that this message can take up to 15 minutes to arrive.
contact_us_if_any_trouble_html : You can contact us <a href=\"%{href}\">through this form</a> if a problem still exists.
2020-08-25 15:01:54 +02:00
modal :
publish :
title :
publish : Publish the procedure
reopen : Reopen the procedure
body :
publish : You are about to publish the procedure to the public.
reopen : You are about to reopen the procedure.
submit :
publish : Publish
reopen : Reopen
activerecord :
2021-05-27 15:03:12 +02:00
models :
user :
one : User
other : Users
2020-08-25 15:01:54 +02:00
attributes :
user :
2021-02-02 15:48:53 +01:00
siret : 'SIRET number'
2020-08-25 15:01:54 +02:00
password : 'password'
instructeur :
password : 'password'
errors :
messages :
2020-08-31 13:47:27 +02:00
not_a_phone : 'Invalid phone number'
2020-08-25 15:01:54 +02:00
models :
attestation_template :
attributes :
footer :
too_long : ": the footer is too long."
user :
attributes :
reset_password_token :
# invalid: ": Votre lien de nouveau mot de passe a expiré. Merci d’ en demander un nouveau."
email :
invalid : invalid
taken : already in use
password :
too_short : 'is too short'
password_confirmation :
confirmation: ' : The two passwords do not match'
invite :
attributes :
email :
taken: ' : Invitation already sent'
instructeur :
attributes :
email :
invalid : invalid
taken : already in use
password :
too_short : 'is too short'
procedure :
attributes :
path :
taken : is already used for procedure. You cannot use it because it belongs to another administrator.
# taken_can_be_claimed: est identique à celui d’ une autre de vos procedures publiées. Si vous publiez cette procedure, l’ ancienne sera dépubliée et ne sera plus accessible au public. Les utilisateurs qui ont commencé un brouillon vont pouvoir le déposer.
2021-02-02 15:48:53 +01:00
invalid : is not valid. It must countain between 3 and 50 characters among a-z, 0-9, '_' and '-'.
2021-10-05 14:03:30 +02:00
"champs/cnaf_champ" :
attributes :
numero_allocataire :
invalid : "must be a maximum of 7 digits"
code_postal :
invalid : "must be 5 characters long"
2021-11-24 17:30:35 +01:00
"champs/dgfip_champ" :
attributes :
numero_fiscal :
invalid : "must be 13 or 14 characters long"
reference_avis :
invalid : "must be 13 or 14 characters long"
2020-08-25 15:01:54 +02:00
errors :
messages :
dossier_not_found : "The file does not exist or you do not have access to it."
2021-02-02 15:48:53 +01:00
# # dossier_map_not_activated: "The file does not have access to the map."
2020-08-25 15:01:54 +02:00
invalid_siret : "The SIRET is incorrect"
procedure_not_found : "The procedure does not exist"
siret_unknown : 'Sorry, we did not find any establishment registered under this SIRET number.'
2021-02-02 15:48:53 +01:00
siret_network_error : 'Désolé, la récupération des informations SIRET est temporairement indisponible. Veuillez réessayer dans quelques instants.'
siret_not_found : 'Nous n’ avons pas trouvé d’ établissement correspondant à ce numéro de SIRET.'
# # etablissement_fail: 'Désolé, nous n’ avons pas réussi à enregistrer l’ établissement correspondant à ce numéro SIRET'
2020-08-25 15:01:54 +02:00
france_connect :
connexion : "Error trying to connect to France Connect."
procedure_archived : "This procedure has been closed, it is no longer possible to submit a file."
2021-02-02 15:48:53 +01:00
# # procedure_not_draft: "This procedure is not a draft anymore."
2020-08-25 15:01:54 +02:00
# cadastres_empty:
# one: "Aucune parcelle cadastrale sur la zone sélectionnée"
# other: "Aucune parcelle cadastrale sur les zones sélectionnées"
2020-09-01 15:28:31 +02:00
not_an_integer : "must be an integer (without decimal)"
2020-08-31 13:47:27 +02:00
blank : "can't be blank"
2020-08-25 15:01:54 +02:00
time :
formats :
2020-08-26 17:10:24 +02:00
default : "%B %d %Y %R"
2020-08-25 15:01:54 +02:00
pluralize :
case :
zero : file
one : file
other : files
processed :
zero : processed
one : processed
other : processed
new :
zero : new
one : new
other : new
followed :
zero : followed
one : followed
other : followed
archived :
zero : archived
one : archived
other : archived
2021-11-10 17:36:24 +01:00
en_cours :
zero : in progress
one : in progress
2021-11-24 10:35:50 +01:00
other : in progress
traites :
zero : finished
one : finished
other : finished
2021-04-17 18:49:00 +02:00
dossiers_invites :
zero : guest file
one : guest file
other : guest files
dossiers_supprimes :
zero : deleted file
one : deleted file
other : deleted files
2021-09-07 10:37:42 +02:00
dossiers_transferes :
zero : transfer request
one : transfer request
other : transfer requests
2021-11-19 15:14:39 +01:00
dossiers_close_to_expiration :
zero : expiring file
one : expiring file
other : expiring files
2020-08-25 15:01:54 +02:00
dossier_trouve :
zero : 0 file found
one : 1 file found
other : "%{count} files found"
published :
zero : Published
one : Published
other : Published
closed :
zero : Closed
one : Closed
other : Closed
draft :
zero : Draft
one : Draft
2021-04-15 17:39:38 +02:00
other : Drafts
2021-04-17 18:49:00 +02:00
users :
dossiers :
test_procedure : "This file is submitted on a test procedure. Any modification of the procedure by the administrator (addition of a field, publication of the procedure, etc.) will result in the removal of the file."
no_access : "You do not have access to this file"
no_longer_editable : "Your file can no longer be edited"
2021-09-15 19:53:36 +02:00
create_commentaire :
message_send : "Your message has been sent to the instructor in charge of your file."
ask_deletion :
undergoingreview : "Your file is undergoing review. It is no longer possible to delete your file. To cancel the undergoingreview contact the adminitration via the mailbox."
2021-12-01 11:02:16 +01:00
soft_deleted_dossier : "Your file has been successfully deleted from your interface"
2021-09-15 19:53:36 +02:00
update_brouillon :
draft_saved : "Your draft has been saved."
etablissement :
no_establishment : "There is no establishment tied to this file"
update_identite :
identity_saved : "Identity data is registred"
attestation :
no_longer_available : "The certificate is no longer available on this file."
2021-11-23 13:30:07 +01:00
france_connect :
particulier :
password_confirmation :
back : 'back to previous step'
already_exists : An account with %{email} already existis on %{application_name}
fill_in_password : fill in your password to merge your accounts
merge :
title : "Merge your account FranceConnect and %{application_name}"
subtitle : "Hello,<br /><br />Your account FranceConnect uses <b class='bold'>%{email}</b> as contact email.<br />But there is an existing %{application_name} account using this email."
label_select_merge_flow : Is %{email} one of your email account ?
title_fill_in_password : To merge your accounts fill in your password
button_merge : Merge accounts
title_fill_in_email : Fill in the email that %{application_name} will use to contact you
button_use_this_email : Use this email
link_confirm_by_email : Confirm by receiving an email
flash :
confirmation_mail_sent : "An email with the confirmation link has been sent, please click on the link."
invalid_password : "The password is not correct."
connection_done : "The accounts for FranceConnect and %{application_name} are now merged."
merger_token_expired : "Le delay to merge your FranceConnect and %{application_name} accounts is expired. Please retry."
2021-12-14 14:36:10 +01:00
shared :
procedures :
stats :
usual_processing_time : "Usual processing time"
processing_time_description : "%{percentile}% of submitted files in the last %{span} days were processed in less than %{days} days."
processing_time : "Processing time"
since_procedure_creation : "since the procedure was created"
nb_days : "Nb Days"
processing_time_graph_description : "Processing time between instruction and final answer (accepted, rejected or closed) for 90% of files."
status_evolution_details : "since the procedure launch"
status_evolution : "Evolution of file statuses"
acceptance_rate : "Acceptance rate"
acceptance_rate_details : "since the procedure launch"
rate : "Rate"
dossiers_count : "Nb files"
weekly_distribution : "Weekly distribution"
weekly_distribution_details : "in the last 6 months"