use std::convert::TryFrom; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::process::Stdio; use async_trait::async_trait; use clap::{Command as ClapCommand, Arg, ArgMatches}; use futures::future::join3; use serde::de::DeserializeOwned; use tokio::io::{AsyncRead, AsyncBufReadExt, BufReader}; use tokio::process::Command; use super::error::{ColmenaResult, ColmenaError}; use super::nix::{Flake, Hive, HivePath, StorePath}; use super::nix::deployment::TargetNodeMap; use super::job::JobHandle; /// Non-interactive execution of an arbitrary command. pub struct CommandExecution { command: Command, job: Option, hide_stdout: bool, stdout: Option, stderr: Option, } /// Helper extensions for Commands. #[async_trait] pub trait CommandExt { /// Runs the command with stdout and stderr passed through to the user. async fn passthrough(&mut self) -> ColmenaResult<()>; /// Runs the command, capturing the output as a String. async fn capture_output(&mut self) -> ColmenaResult; /// Runs the command, capturing deserialized output from JSON. async fn capture_json(&mut self) -> ColmenaResult where T: DeserializeOwned; /// Runs the command, capturing a single store path. async fn capture_store_path(&mut self) -> ColmenaResult; } impl CommandExecution { pub fn new(command: Command) -> Self { Self { command, job: None, hide_stdout: false, stdout: None, stderr: None, } } /// Sets the job associated with this execution. pub fn set_job(&mut self, job: Option) { self.job = job; } /// Sets whether to hide stdout. pub fn set_hide_stdout(&mut self, hide_stdout: bool) { self.hide_stdout = hide_stdout; } /// Returns logs from the last invocation. pub fn get_logs(&self) -> (Option<&String>, Option<&String>) { (self.stdout.as_ref(), self.stderr.as_ref()) } /// Runs the command. pub async fn run(&mut self) -> ColmenaResult<()> { self.command.stdin(Stdio::null()); self.command.stdout(Stdio::piped()); self.command.stderr(Stdio::piped()); self.stdout = Some(String::new()); self.stderr = Some(String::new()); let mut child = self.command.spawn()?; let stdout = BufReader::new(child.stdout.take().unwrap()); let stderr = BufReader::new(child.stderr.take().unwrap()); let stdout_job = if self.hide_stdout { None } else { self.job.clone() }; let futures = join3( capture_stream(stdout, stdout_job, false), capture_stream(stderr, self.job.clone(), true), child.wait(), ); let (stdout, stderr, wait) = futures.await; self.stdout = Some(stdout?); self.stderr = Some(stderr?); let exit = wait?; if exit.success() { Ok(()) } else { Err(exit.into()) } } } #[async_trait] impl CommandExt for Command { /// Runs the command with stdout and stderr passed through to the user. async fn passthrough(&mut self) -> ColmenaResult<()> { let exit = self .spawn()? .wait() .await?; if exit.success() { Ok(()) } else { Err(exit.into()) } } /// Captures output as a String. async fn capture_output(&mut self) -> ColmenaResult { // We want the user to see the raw errors let output = self .stdout(Stdio::piped()) .stderr(Stdio::inherit()) .spawn()? .wait_with_output() .await?; if output.status.success() { // FIXME: unwrap Ok(String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap()) } else { Err(output.status.into()) } } /// Captures deserialized output from JSON. async fn capture_json(&mut self) -> ColmenaResult where T: DeserializeOwned { let output = self.capture_output().await?; serde_json::from_str(&output).map_err(|_| ColmenaError::BadOutput { output: output.clone() }) } /// Captures a single store path. async fn capture_store_path(&mut self) -> ColmenaResult { let output = self.capture_output().await?; let path = output.trim_end().to_owned(); StorePath::try_from(path) } } #[async_trait] impl CommandExt for CommandExecution { async fn passthrough(&mut self) -> ColmenaResult<()> { } /// Captures output as a String. async fn capture_output(&mut self) -> ColmenaResult {; let (stdout, _) = self.get_logs(); Ok(stdout.unwrap().to_owned()) } /// Captures deserialized output from JSON. async fn capture_json(&mut self) -> ColmenaResult where T: DeserializeOwned { let output = self.capture_output().await?; serde_json::from_str(&output).map_err(|_| ColmenaError::BadOutput { output: output.clone() }) } /// Captures a single store path. async fn capture_store_path(&mut self) -> ColmenaResult { let output = self.capture_output().await?; let path = output.trim_end().to_owned(); StorePath::try_from(path) } } pub async fn hive_from_args(args: &ArgMatches) -> ColmenaResult { let path = match args.occurrences_of("config") { 0 => { // traverse upwards until we find hive.nix let mut cur = std::env::current_dir()?; let mut file_path = None; loop { let flake = cur.join("flake.nix"); if flake.is_file() { file_path = Some(flake); break; } let legacy = cur.join("hive.nix"); if legacy.is_file() { file_path = Some(legacy); break; } match cur.parent() { Some(parent) => { cur = parent.to_owned(); } None => { break; } } } if file_path.is_none() { log::error!("Could not find `hive.nix` or `flake.nix` in {:?} or any parent directory", std::env::current_dir()?); } file_path.unwrap() } _ => { let path = args.value_of("config").expect("The config arg should exist").to_owned(); let fpath = canonicalize_cli_path(&path); if !fpath.exists() && path.contains(':') { // Treat as flake URI let flake = Flake::from_uri(path).await?; let hive_path = HivePath::Flake(flake); let mut hive = Hive::new(hive_path)?; if args.is_present("show-trace") { hive.set_show_trace(true); } return Ok(hive); } fpath } }; let hive_path = HivePath::from_path(path).await?; match &hive_path { HivePath::Legacy(p) => { log::info!("Using configuration: {}", p.to_string_lossy()); } HivePath::Flake(flake) => { log::info!("Using flake: {}", flake.uri()); } } let mut hive = Hive::new(hive_path)?; if args.is_present("show-trace") { hive.set_show_trace(true); } Ok(hive) } pub fn register_selector_args(command: ClapCommand) -> ClapCommand { command .arg(Arg::new("on") .long("on") .value_name("NODES") .help("Node selector") .long_help(r#"Select a list of nodes to deploy to. The list is comma-separated and globs are supported. To match tags, prepend the filter by @. Valid examples: - host1,host2,host3 - edge-* - edge-*,core-* - @a-tag,@tags-can-have-*"#) .takes_value(true)) } fn canonicalize_cli_path(path: &str) -> PathBuf { if !path.starts_with('/') { format!("./{}", path).into() } else { path.into() } } pub async fn capture_stream(mut stream: BufReader, job: Option, stderr: bool) -> ColmenaResult where R: AsyncRead + Unpin { let mut log = String::new(); loop { let mut line = String::new(); let len = stream.read_line(&mut line).await?; if len == 0 { break; } let trimmed = line.trim_end(); if let Some(job) = &job { if stderr { job.stderr(trimmed.to_string())?; } else { job.stdout(trimmed.to_string())?; } } log += trimmed; log += "\n"; } Ok(log) } pub fn get_label_width(targets: &TargetNodeMap) -> Option { targets.keys().map(|n| n.len()).max() }