<!DOCTYPE html>
<html th:lang="${#locale.language}" th:lang-direction="#{language.direction}" xmlns:th="http://www.thymeleaf.org">

    <th:block th:insert="~{fragments/common :: head(title=#{sign.title}, header=#{sign.header})}"></th:block>
    <script src="js/thirdParty/signature_pad.umd.min.js"></script>
    <script src="js/thirdParty/interact.min.js"></script>

<th:block th:each="font : ${fonts}">
    <style th:inline="text">
        @font-face {
            font-family: "[[${font.name}]]";
            src: url('fonts/[[${font.name}]].[[${font.extension}]]') format('[[${font.type}]]');

        #font-select option[value="[[${font.name}]]"] {
            font-family: "[[${font.name}]]", cursive;

select#font-select, select#font-select option {
        height: 60px;    /* Adjust as needed */
        font-size: 30px; /* Adjust as needed */


    <div id="page-container">
        <div id="content-wrap">
            <div th:insert="~{fragments/navbar.html :: navbar}"></div>
            <br> <br>
            <div class="container">
                <div class="row justify-content-center">
                    <div class="col-md-6">
                        <h2 th:text="#{sign.header}"></h2>

                        <!-- pdf selector -->
                        <div th:replace="~{fragments/common :: fileSelector(name='pdf-upload', multiple=false, accept='application/pdf')}"></div>
                        	let originalFileName = '';
                            document.querySelector('input[name=pdf-upload]').addEventListener('change', async (event) => {
                                const file = event.target.files[0];
                                if (file) {
                                	originalFileName = file.name.replace(/\.[^/.]+$/, "");
                                    const pdfData = await file.arrayBuffer();
                                    pdfjsLib.GlobalWorkerOptions.workerSrc = 'pdfjs/pdf.worker.js'
                                    const pdfDoc = await pdfjsLib.getDocument({ data: pdfData }).promise;
                                    await DraggableUtils.renderPage(pdfDoc, 0);

                                    document.querySelectorAll(".show-on-file-selected").forEach(el => {
                                        el.style.cssText = '';
                            document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
                                document.querySelectorAll(".show-on-file-selected").forEach(el => {
                                    el.style.cssText = "display:none !important";

                        <div class="tab-group show-on-file-selected">
                            <div class="tab-container" th:title="#{sign.upload}">
                                <div th:replace="~{fragments/common :: fileSelector(name='image-upload', multiple=true, accept='image/*', inputText=#{imgPrompt})}"></div>
                                    const imageUpload = document.querySelector('input[name=image-upload]');
                                    imageUpload.addEventListener('change', e => {
                                        if(!e.target.files) {
                                        for (const imageFile of e.target.files) {
                                            var reader = new FileReader();
                                            reader.onloadend = function (e) {
                            <div class="tab-container drawing-pad-container" th:title="#{sign.draw}">
                                <canvas id="drawing-pad-canvas"></canvas>
                                <button id="clear-signature" class="btn btn-outline-danger mt-2" onclick="signaturePad.clear()" th:text="#{sign.clear}"></button>
                                <button id="save-signature" class="btn btn-outline-success mt-2" onclick="addDraggableFromPad()" th:text="#{sign.add}"></button>
                                    const signaturePadCanvas = document.getElementById('drawing-pad-canvas');
                                    const signaturePad = new SignaturePad(signaturePadCanvas, {
                                        minWidth: 1,
                                        maxWidth: 2,
                                        penColor: 'black',
                                    function addDraggableFromPad() {
                                        if (signaturePad.isEmpty()) return;
                                        const startTime = Date.now();
                                        const croppedDataUrl = getCroppedCanvasDataUrl(signaturePadCanvas)
                                        console.log(Date.now() - startTime);
                                    function getCroppedCanvasDataUrl(canvas) {
                                        // code is from: https://github.com/szimek/signature_pad/issues/49#issuecomment-1104035775
                                        let originalCtx = canvas.getContext('2d');

                                        let originalWidth = canvas.width;
                                        let originalHeight = canvas.height;
                                        let imageData = originalCtx.getImageData(0,0, originalWidth, originalHeight);

                                        let minX = originalWidth + 1, maxX = -1, minY = originalHeight + 1, maxY = -1, x = 0, y = 0, currentPixelColorValueIndex;

                                        for (y = 0; y < originalHeight; y++) {
                                            for (x = 0; x < originalWidth; x++) {
                                                currentPixelColorValueIndex = (y * originalWidth + x) * 4;
                                                let currentPixelAlphaValue = imageData.data[currentPixelColorValueIndex + 3];
                                                if (currentPixelAlphaValue > 0) {
                                                    if (minX > x) minX = x;
                                                    if (maxX < x) maxX = x;
                                                    if (minY > y) minY = y;
                                                    if (maxY < y) maxY = y;

                                        let croppedWidth = maxX - minX;
                                        let croppedHeight = maxY - minY;
                                        if (croppedWidth < 0 || croppedHeight < 0) return null;
                                        let cuttedImageData = originalCtx.getImageData(minX, minY, croppedWidth, croppedHeight);

                                        let croppedCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'),
                                            croppedCtx    = croppedCanvas.getContext('2d');

                                        croppedCanvas.width = croppedWidth;
                                        croppedCanvas.height = croppedHeight;
                                        croppedCtx.putImageData(cuttedImageData, 0, 0);

                                        return croppedCanvas.toDataURL();
                                    function resizeCanvas() {
                                        // When zoomed out to less than 100%, for some very strange reason,
                                        // some browsers report devicePixelRatio as less than 1
                                        // and only part of the canvas is cleared then.
                                        var ratio = Math.max(window.devicePixelRatio || 1, 1);
									    var additionalFactor = 10;  
									    signaturePadCanvas.width = signaturePadCanvas.offsetWidth * ratio * additionalFactor;
									    signaturePadCanvas.height = signaturePadCanvas.offsetHeight * ratio * additionalFactor;
									    signaturePadCanvas.getContext("2d").scale(ratio * additionalFactor, ratio * additionalFactor);

                                        // This library does not listen for canvas changes, so after the canvas is automatically
                                        // cleared by the browser, SignaturePad#isEmpty might still return false, even though the
                                        // canvas looks empty, because the internal data of this library wasn't cleared. To make sure
                                        // that the state of this library is consistent with visual state of the canvas, you
                                        // have to clear it manually.
                                    new IntersectionObserver((entries, observer) => {
                                        if (entries.some(entry => entry.intersectionRatio > 0)) {
                                    new ResizeObserver(resizeCanvas).observe(signaturePadCanvas);
                                    .drawing-pad-container {
                                        text-align: center;

                                    #drawing-pad-canvas {
                                        background: rgba(125,125,125,0.2);
                                        width: 100%;
                                        height: 300px;
                            <div class="tab-container" th:title="#{sign.text}">
                                <label class="form-check-label" for="sigText" th:text="#{text}"></label> 
                                <textarea class="form-control" id="sigText" name="sigText" rows="3"></textarea>
                                <label th:text="#{font}"></label> 
                                <select class="form-control" name="font" id="font-select">
								    <option th:each="font : ${fonts}" 
                                <div class="margin-auto-parent">
                                    <button id="save-text-signature" class="btn btn-outline-success mt-2 margin-center" onclick="addDraggableFromText()" th:text="#{sign.add}"></button>
                                    function addDraggableFromText() {
                                        const sigText = document.getElementById('sigText').value;
                                        const font = document.querySelector('select[name=font]').value;
                                        const fontSize = 100;

                                        const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
                                        const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
                                        ctx.font = `${fontSize}px ${font}`;
                                        const textWidth = ctx.measureText(sigText).width;
                                        const textHeight = fontSize;

                                        let paragraphs = sigText.split(/\r?\n/);

                                        canvas.width = textWidth;
                                        canvas.height = paragraphs.length * textHeight*1.35; //for tails
                                        ctx.font = `${fontSize}px ${font}`;

                                        ctx.textBaseline = 'top';

                                        let y = 0;

                                        paragraphs.forEach(paragraph => {
                                            ctx.fillText(paragraph, 0, y);
                                            y += fontSize;

                                        const dataURL = canvas.toDataURL();
    const sigTextInput = document.getElementById('sigText');
    const fontSelect = document.getElementById('font-select');

    const updateOptionTexts = () => {
        Array.from(fontSelect.options).forEach(option => {
        	const fontName = option.value.replace(/-regular$/i, '');
            option.text = sigTextInput.value || fontName;

    sigTextInput.addEventListener('input', updateOptionTexts);

    fontSelect.addEventListener('change', (e) => {
        e.target.style.fontFamily = e.target.value;

    // Manually trigger the change event
    fontSelect.dispatchEvent(new Event('change'));

<th:block th:each="font : ${fonts}">
    <style th:inline="text">
        #font-select option[value='/*[[${font.name}]]*/'] {
            font-family: '/*[[${font.name}]]*/', cursive;


                        <!-- draggables box -->
                        <div id="box-drag-container" class="show-on-file-selected">
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                            <script src="js/draggable-utils.js"></script>
                            <div class="draggable-buttons-box ignore-rtl">
                                <button class="btn btn-outline-secondary" onclick="DraggableUtils.deleteDraggableCanvas(DraggableUtils.getLastInteracted())">
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                                #box-drag-container {
                                    position: relative;
                                    margin: 20px 0;
                                .draggable-buttons-box {
                                    position: absolute;
                                    top: 0;
                                    padding: 10px;
                                    width: 100%;
                                    display: flex;
                                    gap: 5px;
                                .draggable-buttons-box > button {
                                    z-index: 10;
                                    background-color: rgba(13, 110, 253, 0.1);
                                .draggable-canvas {
                                    border: 1px solid red;
                                    position: absolute;
                                    touch-action: none;
                                    user-select: none;
                                    top: 0px;
                                    left: 0;

                        <!-- download button -->
                        <div class="margin-auto-parent">
                            <button id="download-pdf" class="btn btn-primary mb-2 show-on-file-selected margin-center">Download PDF</button>
                            document.getElementById("download-pdf").addEventListener('click', async() => {
                                const modifiedPdf = await DraggableUtils.getOverlayedPdfDocument();
                                const modifiedPdfBytes = await modifiedPdf.save();
                                const blob = new Blob([modifiedPdfBytes], { type: 'application/pdf' });
                                const link = document.createElement('a');
                                link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
                                link.download = originalFileName + '_signed.pdf';
        <div th:insert="~{fragments/footer.html :: footer}"></div>