function initializeGame() { const gameContainer = document.getElementById('game-container'); const player = document.getElementById('player'); let playerSize = gameContainer.clientWidth * 0.0625; // 5% of container width = playerSize + 'px'; = playerSize + 'px'; let playerX = gameContainer.clientWidth / 2 - playerSize / 2; let playerY = gameContainer.clientHeight * 0.1; const scoreElement = document.getElementById('score'); const levelElement = document.getElementById('level'); const livesElement = document.getElementById('lives'); const highScoreElement = document.getElementById('high-score'); let pdfSize = gameContainer.clientWidth * 0.0625; // 5% of container width let projectileWidth = gameContainer.clientWidth * 0.00625;// 0.00625; // 0.5% of container width let projectileHeight = gameContainer.clientHeight * 0.01667; // 1% of container height let paused = false; const fireRate = 200; // Time between shots in milliseconds let lastProjectileTime = 0; let lives = 3; let highScore = localStorage.getItem('highScore') ? parseInt(localStorage.getItem('highScore')) : 0; updateHighScore(); const keysPressed = {}; const pdfs = []; const projectiles = []; let score = 0; let level = 1; let pdfSpeed = 0.5; let gameOver = false; function handleKeys() { if (keysPressed['ArrowLeft']) { playerX -= 10; } if (keysPressed['ArrowRight']) { playerX += 10; } if (keysPressed[' '] && !gameOver) { const currentTime = new Date().getTime(); if (currentTime - lastProjectileTime >= fireRate) { shootProjectile(); lastProjectileTime = currentTime; } } updatePlayerPosition(); } document.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => { if (event.key === ' ') { event.preventDefault(); } keysPressed[event.key] = true; handleKeys(); }); document.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => { keysPressed[event.key] = false; }); function updatePlayerPosition() { = playerX + 'px'; = playerY + 'px'; } function updateLives() { livesElement.textContent = 'Lives: ' + lives; } function updateHighScore() { highScoreElement.textContent = 'High Score: ' + highScore; } function shootProjectile() { const projectile = document.createElement('div'); projectile.classList.add('projectile'); = 'black'; = projectileWidth + 'px'; = projectileHeight + 'px'; = (playerX + playerSize / 2 - projectileWidth / 2) + 'px'; = (gameContainer.clientHeight - playerY - playerSize) + 'px'; gameContainer.appendChild(projectile); projectiles.push(projectile); } function spawnPdf() { const pdf = document.createElement('img'); pdf.src = 'images/file-earmark-pdf.svg'; pdf.classList.add('pdf'); = pdfSize + 'px'; = pdfSize + 'px'; = Math.floor(Math.random() * (gameContainer.clientWidth - pdfSize)) + 'px'; = '0px'; gameContainer.appendChild(pdf); pdfs.push(pdf); } function resetEnemies() { pdfs.forEach((pdf) => gameContainer.removeChild(pdf)); pdfs.length = 0; } function updateGame() { if (gameOver || paused) return; for (let pdfIndex = 0; pdfIndex < pdfs.length; pdfIndex++) { const pdf = pdfs[pdfIndex]; const pdfY = parseFloat( + pdfSpeed; if (pdfY + 50 > gameContainer.clientHeight) { gameContainer.removeChild(pdf); pdfs.splice(pdfIndex, 1); // Deduct 2 points when a PDF gets past the player score -= 0; updateScore(); // Decrease lives and check if game over lives--; updateLives(); if (lives <= 0) { endGame(); return; } } else { = pdfY + 'px'; // Check for collision with player if (collisionDetected(player, pdf)) { lives--; updateLives(); resetEnemies(); if (lives <= 0) { endGame(); return; } } } }; projectiles.forEach((projectile, projectileIndex) => { const projectileY = parseInt( - 10; if (projectileY < 0) { gameContainer.removeChild(projectile); projectiles.splice(projectileIndex, 1); } else { = projectileY + 'px'; } for (let pdfIndex = 0; pdfIndex < pdfs.length; pdfIndex++) { const pdf = pdfs[pdfIndex]; if (collisionDetected(projectile, pdf)) { gameContainer.removeChild(pdf); gameContainer.removeChild(projectile); pdfs.splice(pdfIndex, 1); projectiles.splice(projectileIndex, 1); score = score + 10; updateScore(); break; } } }); setTimeout(updateGame, 1000 / 60); } function resetGame() { playerX = gameContainer.clientWidth / 2; playerY = 50; updatePlayerPosition(); pdfs.forEach((pdf) => gameContainer.removeChild(pdf)); projectiles.forEach((projectile) => gameContainer.removeChild(projectile)); pdfs.length = 0; projectiles.length = 0; score = 0; level = 1; lives = 3; gameOver = false; updateScore(); updateLives(); levelElement.textContent = 'Level: ' + level; pdfSpeed = 1; clearTimeout(spawnPdfTimeout); // Clear the existing spawnPdfTimeout setTimeout(updateGame, 1000 / 60); spawnPdfInterval(); } function updateScore() { scoreElement.textContent = 'Score: ' + score; checkLevelUp(); } function checkLevelUp() { const newLevel = Math.floor(score / 100) + 1; if (newLevel > level) { level = newLevel; levelElement.textContent = 'Level: ' + level; pdfSpeed += 0.2; } } function collisionDetected(a, b) { const rectA = a.getBoundingClientRect(); const rectB = b.getBoundingClientRect(); return ( rectA.left < rectB.right && rectA.right > rectB.left && < rectB.bottom && rectA.bottom > ); } function endGame() { gameOver = true; if (score > highScore) { highScore = score; localStorage.setItem('highScore', highScore); updateHighScore(); } alert('Game Over! Your final score is: ' + score); document.getElementById('game-container-wrapper').close(); } let spawnPdfTimeout; const BASE_SPAWN_INTERVAL_MS = 1250; // milliseconds before a new enemy spawns const LEVEL_INCREASE_FACTOR_MS = 0; // milliseconds to decrease the spawn interval per level const MAX_SPAWN_RATE_REDUCTION_MS = 800; // Max milliseconds from the base spawn interval function spawnPdfInterval() { console.log("spawnPdfInterval"); if (gameOver || paused) { console.log("spawnPdfInterval 2"); clearTimeout(spawnPdfTimeout); return; } console.log("spawnPdfInterval 3"); spawnPdf(); let spawnRateReduction = Math.min(level * LEVEL_INCREASE_FACTOR_MS, MAX_SPAWN_RATE_REDUCTION_MS); let spawnRate = BASE_SPAWN_INTERVAL_MS - spawnRateReduction; spawnPdfTimeout = setTimeout(spawnPdfInterval, spawnRate); } updatePlayerPosition(); updateGame(); spawnPdfInterval(); document.addEventListener('visibilitychange', function() { if (document.hidden) { paused = true; } else { paused = false; updateGame(); spawnPdfInterval(); } }); window.resetGame = resetGame; } window.initializeGame = initializeGame;